International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



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Posted on: July 22, 2021

Old Business

  • After a short discussion, the board unanimously agreed with the president's recommendation that John C. Walczak fill the treasurer position formerly held by Ed Kinney. Walczak is a retired banker and plans to first audit our accounts to better understand our expenses and income.
  • 2nd VP Mike Ronnau presented the national advertising plan for the 2014 Nationals. John Lent was on hand to answer questions.

New Business

  • Due to some venues raising their requirements for liability coverage, the board moved to raise the limits on our chapter liability insurance policy to $3M and the umbrella policy to $2M to satisfy these new venue requirements at a cost of $ 500.00 extra...
Posted on: July 21, 2021

Meeting Discussion

  • President Ron Bell confirmed that a mass email was sent to members regarding the computer loss, to be followed by a card inserted into the next Journal to help ensure all members know about the potential data breach. The information at risk on the stolen laptop was limited to member addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
  • We continue to work on creating a task list for the Office Manager position and began to do the same thing for the Treasurer’s position. This is necessary because these two positions overlap in many ways. The goal is to have a clear list of responsibilities for both positions. Secretary Dennis Tennant will be compiling the list from info culled from lists provided by the e-board. Board...
Posted on: July 21, 2021

Meeting Discussion

  • A large part of the meeting centered around the details of the transition of office manager duties to Interim Office Manager Marie Van Schoonhoven. Computer equipment and supplies have been shipped her way and she?ll begin setting things up as soon as she receives the laptop and supplies. Her priority in the near term will be to update the membership database.
  • 2nd VP Mike Van Schoonhoven will be looking for a replacement for our convention management system and will research and present some options to the board for further action. Mike?s experience in running the most recent Orlando convention will enable him find a system that will be a good fit for the society
  • Though no formal financial audit is required following MJ?s death,...
Posted on: July 21, 2021

New Business

  • Don Schmitz, chairman of our marketing team submitted a report to Ron Bell detailing the progress his team has made and expressed their intention to draw up a survey to determine exactly who our members (and potential members) really are. They are working on the survey questions along with determining the mechanics of creating the survey. Due to pressing business, his report will be discussed further during the November board meeting.

  • Due to the death of office manager, M.J. Kinney, the board meeting centered around that topic. President Christ wanted to make sure that incoming president Ron Bell will be on the list to allow check writing so we will have at least two e-board members approved to sign checks as needed. Treasurer...

Posted on: July 21, 2021

Old Business

  • None.

New Business

  • Election results. Ron Bell has been elected president effective Nov. 1, 2015. Other officers will include 1VP David Morrissette, 2VP Mike VanSchoonhoven, Secretary Dennis Tennant and Historian/Director of Publications Jim Pearsall.
  • Let's look into the advertising rates in the Journal. We have never increased our ad rates and, in light of the rates charged by competitors, it might be time to increase ours. Jim Pearsall will look into this and research the ad rates of comparable publications and report back to the board.
  • We continue to look for less expensive alternatives to our current Make N Take supplier (Revell). Jim Brooks is...
Posted on: July 21, 2021

Old Business

  • Make and take developments (discussed in DLC's section below).

New Business

  • Dick Christ: We need to start working on next year's budget. We need projected costs
    from everyone. We need to start the process and I would like to have it completed when the new administration starts on November 1.

Officer/Staff Reports

Dick Christ, President

  • No new items to report.

David Morrissette, 1st VP

  • Late reviews as 60 and declining. This is normal for the summer months.
  • The Manufacturers' Dinner was held during Convention week and went well with Eduard, Revell, Werner Wings, Academy, Yellow Wings, Detail and Scale, Kittyhawk and Aires...
Posted on: July 21, 2021

Officer/Staff Reports

The annual Business Meeting began promptly at 9 a.m. President Dick Christ convened the meeting and .

Pres. Christ...

Posted on: July 21, 2021

Officer/Staff Reports

Dick Christ, President

  • No new items to report.

David Morrissette, 1st VP

  • There have been 419 new reviews posted through the end of May.
  • The Manufacturers' Dinner at the convention has been arranged and invites have been sent.
  • There are sixty late reviews in the system.

Ron Bell, 2nd Vice President

  • The convention numbers update:
    • 350 Pre-registrants
    • 170 Banquet tickets sold
    • 83 Signed up for the AFM tour
    • 59 Dinner at Schmidt's restaurant
    • 160 Convention shirts sold so far
  • Las Vegas dropped out of bidding for 2016, leaving Omaha and Phoenix. I have...
Posted on: July 21, 2021

Old Business

  • Ad Manager position still unfilled. Jim Pearsall hoping to find a candidate by the convention. If not Jim will do the job until he can find a worthy candidate.

New Business

  • None.

Officer/Staff Reports

Dick Christ, President

  • No new items to report.

David Morrissette, 1st VP

  • The Convention Manufacturers dinner has been set up. So far, a half dozen or so manufacturers have responded that they'll attend.
    Late reviews are at 65.
  • I have received a test shot of HK Models new 1:32 Mosquito....
Posted on: July 21, 2021

Old Business

  • So far, one person has expressed interest in the position of Advertising Manager of the Journal. Jim Pearsall will be interviewing him in the next week about the job, duties, etc.
  • President Christ has spoken with Don Schmitz about setting up a marketing committee to promote the IPMS/USA. He has directed him to choose a committee and establish a budget for fiscal 2016. Schmitz will present a report on his progress and goals at the board meeting in Columbus later this summer.

New Business

  • Following Webmaster Eric Aitala's recommendations, the board approved switching e-commerce vendors for our Web site. The new site will not go "live" till after the...