Officer Directory and Staff
IPMS/USA National Office
PO Box 1411
Riverview, FL 33568-1411
General Modeling Questions
Join the IPMS/USA Forums and you can post your question on our Topic-specific sections or you can submit your questions to the IPMS/USA Journal. That will reach the entire membership but will take longer.
IPMS/USA Members gain access to the members only sections of the Forums.
Membership/Renewal Application
We welcome your messages and consider them essential, but the volume of e-mail is both high and sometimes misdirected. To expedite our response, we need your help getting your message to the right person.
Note - Please include your IPMS membership number, if you are a member, on all inquires. (Please do not send unsolicited photo or file attachments.)
Thanks for your cooperation.
Executive Board
Phil Peterson - President
John Noack - First Vice President
Scott Hackney - Second Vice President
Robert Delaney - Director of Local Chapters
Ro Annis - Historian/Publications Director
Eugenie Taylor Ray - Director of Social Media
Guiding IPMS/USA through the world of Facebook, YouTube and all things "Social" and "Connected." Let's Connect!
National Office
Marie Van Schoonhoven - National Office Manager
Ro Annis - Advertising Director
Member Relations
Nancy Kennedy-Hackney - Member and Event System Administrator
Responsible for configuration and support of the member and event system.