International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Episode 110: Austin Frields, Posse NFL Talk, are Shows more expensive, providing Value

Plastic Posse Podcast - 20 hours 5 min ago

JB leads Scott, Grant, and TJ this time out.

We talk about a range of subjects from Model Shows - are they too expensive or more expensive now, and how do Shows provide value to consumers? We get into some NFL talk, talk our own upcoming calendar, and discuss a whole range of topics and have fun. We are stressing a newer, more "live" approach to both our interviews and also our episodes - trying to give the listeners, well, more value for their Podcast Bucks. :)

If you would like to become a Posse Outrider, and make a recurring monthly donation of $ 1 and up, visit us at .

Plastic Posse Podcast on Facebook:
Plastic Posse Group on Facebook:
Plastic Posse Podcast MERCH! :
Plastic Posse Podcast on YouTube:

Help Heal Veterans:

Orion Paintworks (TJ):
JB-Closet Modeler (JB):
Three Tens' Modelworks (Jensen):

AK Interactive:
Tamiya USA:

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Categories: Podcasts

The Scale Model Podcast - EP 151 - Scale Wars

Scale Model Podcast - Sat, 02/08/2025 - 19:51


Welcome to Episode 151 of The Scale Model Podcast Sponsored by CultTVMan and Sean’s Custom Model Tools





Thanks to our latest Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee Supporters:

Check out our What We Like page for lists of what we like.



Tariffs and tribulations.



We want to hear from you! Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions

Hi Stuart, I hope you are keeping well. I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the kind mention on the latest episode of the podcast. It was very unexpected but really made my day. Thank you too for all the great work you Terry and Geoff do at Scale Model Podcast and for all your tireless efforts to promote the hobby. You guys are fantastic and it is always a real treat when the latest episode drops : ) All the best! William Adair



Das Werk Announcements for Toy Fair 2025

Tamiya Armor items at Toy Fair 2025

Tamiya Announcements at Toy Fair 2025

IBG releasing a lot of 1/72 Spitfires

Other items from the IBG Catalog

1st test shot build of Kotare's 1/32 Bf 109K-4

1/48 Saab B-18

What’s new at



Cult TV Man



Stuart - Slow but steady work on the Revell Land Rover. Wheels are now on and just a few more things to do. Airbrushes are on the way back from Badger. Looking forward to getting them back.

Got a Tamiya 1/48 Sherman Firefly for the 48 hour build in March. Nice looking kit.

Geoff - finished off the IBG 1/72 IAR80 and wrote the article on it for IPMS Canada, although you may never see it. Bottom line: very nice kit. Continued on the old Revell 1/72 Arado what if Amerika bomber. I couldn’t find my lead weights, so I decided to do it in flight, perhaps dropping bombs over the NYC skyline, although in light of recent international events, I may have to find a red state with a recognizable skyline as a base! I wonder if anyone makes a 3D file of Mar a Lago?

Terry: Work continues apace on the Moosaroo. The shadowbox is coming along nicely. I hope to be done shortly. The Phalanx is looking good, not much more on this either but I’ve said that for a month now. I do need to get a new windscreen for the Wingsy Claude, it broke in half in the bag. It is quite thin plastic.



Stuart - I’ve been in a reading kick lately instead of spending as much time on social media. Finished Titan and Moonseed by Stephen Baxter, now moving on to a collection of short stories by him called Traces.

Geoff - I’ve been ploughing through a complete collection of Scale Airplane Modeller magazine and been fascinated by the fact that model debates never seem to change! Prices are too high, people who just collect kits, thus raising market prices for builders, are evil, who needs fancy new paints, IPMS judging sucks, etc. The UK magazine was quite parochial, and although there was a ton of good information on UK aircraft, they do get a tad stuck on themselves - back in 1988 at least.

Terry: Apparently I’ve fallen behind Stuart! I’m halfway through Stephen Baxter’s Titan. Also reading the first series of Bleach Manga. It tracks very close to the anime.



Seans Custom Model Tools



Hello Gentlemen!

I have a show discussion topic for you all to ponder: SCALE WARS!

The premise is as simple as it is fictional. Imagine I have hired each of you as a consultant to my brand new (again, fictional) scale model manufacturing company. I want to shake up the injection-molded kit industry and I’m relying on your knowledge and expertise. I am not interested in which kit you want made that either doesn’t exist yet or is in need of a new tooling. Instead, I want to know your opinions on scale.

I am tasking you each individually with two assignments in this discussion. Time and money are not considerations here (the most fictional part of all).

  1. You MUST eliminate a standard/popular modeling scale from a genre of your choosing and justify your choice (for the snarky-minded amongst you, “box scale” does not count). Or “They shouldn’t have picked that scale.”
  2. You SHALL replace the eliminated scale by adding a new scale for any modeling genre of your choice that you believe is not represented well in the industry — or even at all — and you must tell me why I should invest in your idea. Or “Why they should have picked this scale instead.”

Remember, in this scenario you are a pool of consultants competing with each other to have your pitch chosen — so bring your A game to your arguments!

I know modelers can have strong opinions about their preferred scale(s) so I hope this is taken in the spirit of fun but if a friendship or two gets dented - well, we can’t let that stand in the way of progress.

Good luck and may the best arguments win!

Rick Baker

Scale Model Outlier


Terry’s Suggestion:

I say we go to a Roman Numeral system, essentially a decimal system.

I is 1:1.

V is 1:5

X is 1:10

L is 1:50

C is 1:100

D is 1:500

M is 1:1000


I suppose you could get larger if you need, for things like starships.



3D Wild building a 1/200 C5 Galaxy

Vince Hoffman restoring another RC Tank. A vintage Tamiya Sherman.



For more modelling podcast goodness, check out other modelling podcasts at

Please leave us a positive review if you enjoy what we’re doing!

Check us out: FaceBook, YouTube, and our very own website. Inbox reviews are available at

We also have merchandise now. Check it out on Redbubble


Categories: Podcasts

OTB 207: Sprueverse! A chat with Philip Segal.

On the Bench Podcast - Fri, 02/07/2025 - 21:39

In Episode 207 the boys are joined by Philip Segal, renowned, writer, director and TV producer  to talk about his passion for model building as well as his amazing YouTube channel Sprueverse.

Check out Phil’s work 

My Universe | Welcome to SprueVerse

Don’t forget you can us leave a voicemail at

Or write to us


Please support the sponsor of our show, Scott from the Scale Modellers Supply


If you would like to support our show please go to


We recommend:- 

Black Hat Models

Workbench Hobbies

Categories: Podcasts

Mojovian World News: New PMM Website

Plastic Model Mojo - Fri, 02/07/2025 - 08:00

What if your hobby could connect you to a vibrant community and enhance your creativity like never before? Discover how our brand-new website,, to revolutionize your modeling experience. We've officially launched this exciting platform, transitioning from our previous site to create a more dynamic and visually appealing hub for enthusiasts like you. Thanks to the incredible support from our community through Patreon, PayPal, and Buy Me a Coffee, we've built a digital space where listeners and soon-to-be viewers can explore the mesmerizing world of modeling in a way that truly captures its visual essence.

Join us as we celebrate this milestone and share our vision for a future brimming with innovative content and fun interactions. Our new site serves as a central hub for modeling content, aspiring to bring you closer to fellow enthusiasts and creators. Here, you'll find a wealth of resources that highlight the exceptional work of our talented friends and fellow bloggers. We’re committed to delivering more value and engagement, making it easier for you to access, enjoy, and contribute to our growing community. So, visit the new site, stay tuned for updates, and get ready for a thrilling year of growth and creativity. Your support has made this dream a reality, and we can't wait to continue this journey with you.

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Buy Me a Beer

Adding to the stash since 1968

Model Paint Solutions
Your source for Harder & Steenbeck Airbrushes and David Union Power Tools

Model Podcasts
Please check out the other pods in the modelsphere!

PMM Merchandise Store
Support the show with PMM Merchandise!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Bump Riffs Graciously Provided by Ed Baroth
Ad Reads Generously Provided by Bob
"The Voice of Bob" Bair

Mike and Kentucky Dave thank each and everyone of you for participating on this journey with us. We are grateful for having you as listeners, and the community that has grown around Plastic Model Mojo makes it all worth while.

Categories: Podcasts

Built Sideways Podcast Season 5 Ep.2: The hobby feel-goods w/ @Goaliezero

Built Sideways Podcast - Fri, 02/07/2025 - 01:00

Sometimes (if you're active on the social medias) you are led to believe that a lot of the hobby has been doom and gloom, focusing in on the negative feelings and connotations associated with sharing our hobbies, on this episode the guys are joined by @Goaliezero to talk about the things that lead to the "why" of the hobby, the things that make us feel good, is it the process? the goals? indulge!

Join our Discord! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out our Patreon! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

This Episode is proudly sponsored by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠usagundamstore!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


Categories: Podcasts

PMM Twelve Minute Modelsphere: February 2025

Plastic Model Mojo - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 00:00

Despite the January snow throwing a wrench in our Chattanooga plans, the excitement is palpable as we hope to have PMM presence at the  Columbus' model show. 

Mike and Dave gear up for "Shop Talk" for episode 134,  tackling a couple of modeling related topics, as well as a journal topic from Steve Anderson's "A Guided Journal for Modelers".   Meanwhile for episode 135, Mark Copeland from the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force joins us to bridge the fascinating worlds of modeling and military history.  We look forward to unpacking these thrilling developments and enriching our community with the exclusive conversations ahead.

We're not just about revisiting old ground; we're pushing boundaries to offer fresh perspectives and uncover new directions. These episodes promises an engaging journey through the ever-evolving landscape of scale modeling, tailored just for you.

Support the Show!
Buy Me a Beer

Bump Riffs Graciously Provided by Ed Baroth
Ad Reads Generously Provided by Bob
"The Voice of Bob" Bair

Mike and Kentucky Dave thank each and everyone of you for participating on this journey with us. We are grateful for having you as listeners, and the community that has grown around Plastic Model Mojo makes it all worth while.

Categories: Podcasts

MGPC Episode 93 Season 5 Kickoff!!

ModelGeek's Podcast - Sat, 02/01/2025 - 08:00

Welcome to Episode 93 of The Modelgeeks Podcast!  In this episode, we kick off Season 5 and catch up with what we have all been up to during our extended seasonal break. I don’t think we planned to be away from the mic for a full month and a half but…

We’ve all been busy at the bench…and at our keyboards! We’ll talk about cool new items coming our way, and what we’ve worn out the ol’ credit card on as well.

We would like to thank all you listeners out there for the continued support you have given the show. As we roll through Winter and on towards springtime, I hope that your bench is active and you’re completing those subjects that you plan to share with the modeling public out at a show or contest. Get to the bench and build something!

Share your work with us and the rest of the scale modeling community through our web page, or through our Facebook community page. We love seeing other people’s work. Who knows who you may inspire someone through your latest masterpiece!

Modelgeeks web page:

Model Geeks Podcast

Facebook community:

The ModelGeeks Model Shack

and of course you can email us at:


Mentioned in the Episode:

Masters of the Air Behind the Scenes, a Facebook page taking a behind the scenes look at what went in to making the MOTA. Lots of great reference photos of aircraft support equipment, vehicles, uniforms, etc.

Masters Of The Air Behind The Scenes


We also want to thank each of our sponsors for their support. We are very lucky to have their support. When you have the time, pay a visit to their web sites, and have a look at their fine products.



Furball Aero-Design

Tamiya USA

Detail & Scale


LionHeart Hobby

Bases By Bill

Hypersonic Models

 Matters Of Scale

If you're a wicked ModelGeek go check out the following links!

IPMS USA Events Page

Butch O'Hare Modeling Club

The Interesting Modeling Company

We are very fortunate to be able to join the scale modeling podcast community and are in the company of several other really GREAT podcasts. Hopefully, someday we’ll earn our wings and be able to keep up with those guys!  Please check them all out at Scale Model Podcasts.



The Kit Box

Sprue Pie with Frets

Model Airplane Maker

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Model Geeks Podcast

Categories: Podcasts

OTB 206: Models for Heros 48Hr Build and HeritageCON 17.

On the Bench Podcast - Fri, 01/31/2025 - 20:35

In Episode 206 the boys are joined by James Skiffins to talk about the Models for Heroes 48Hr build and later in the show Duncan Young pops in to give us all the goss on HertiageCON 17.

You can leave us a voicemail at


Or write to us


Don’t forget to support the sponsors of our show Scott from the Scale Modellers Supply


If you would like to support our show please go to


We recommend:- 

Black Hat Models


Workbench Hobbies

Categories: Podcasts

Episode 109: Joe McClain From Help Heal Veterans + What Are Your 2025 Resolutions?

Plastic Posse Podcast - Wed, 01/29/2025 - 00:00

We have a small crew this time out with TJ, Scott, and Jensen.

We interview the CEO for an AWESOME organization called Help Heal Veterans, and talk about the important work they do using hobbies and crafts to help US Veterans who are struggling. This is an important conversation and we know you will like it!

We also have a discussion on 2025 Modeling Resolutions, and might go on a tangent or two - all in the name of fun!

If you would like to become a Posse Outrider, and make a recurring monthly donation of $ 1 and up, visit us at .

Plastic Posse Podcast on Facebook:
Plastic Posse Group on Facebook:
Plastic Posse Podcast MERCH! :
Plastic Posse Podcast on YouTube:

Help Heal Veterans:

Orion Paintworks (TJ):
JB-Closet Modeler (JB):
Three Tens' Modelworks (Jensen):

AK Interactive:
Tamiya USA:

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Categories: Podcasts

Plastic Model Mojo Episode 133: Primers w/ Dr. Strangebrush (John Miller)

Plastic Model Mojo - Tue, 01/28/2025 - 00:00

Celebrate the art of scale modeling with Mike and Kentucky Dave as we dive into the joys and challenges of this intricate hobby. From recent modeling accomplishments to the excitement of upcoming events like HeritageCon, our conversation promises a blend of personal stories and hobby insights. Despite the bittersweet end of the pro football season, we share moments of camaraderie and passion that this creative pursuit brings into our lives. Get an update on our website's progress, reminisce about past events, and discover the innovative challenge coin display stand from Bases by Bill that adds a unique touch to any collection.

Ever wondered about the perfect primer for your modeling project? We cover a wide range of tips and techniques, highlighting expert advice on cleaning solutions, primer types, and airbrush techniques with fan favorite, Dr. Strangbrush (aka John Miller of Model Paint Solutions). Whether you're a seasoned modeler or a curious beginner, this episode offers valuable insights into the intricacies of preparing and painting models with precision. Learn about the practical use of denatured alcohol and Windex for cleaning, the benefits of acrylic primers, and the secrets to achieving a flawless finish with aerosol cans and airbrushes.

Engage with our vibrant community as we explore listeners' queries, share journaling tools, and respond to feedback. From Charles Reishardt's WZ-34 armored car model project to exciting new kit announcements, there's plenty to inspire and educate. Discover updates from Model Paint Solutions, the latest airbrushing tools, and a sneak peek at new releases from IBG. Join us in celebrating the support and contributions of our listeners, which help us continue to create and share content that fuels the passion for scale modeling.

If Steve Anderson's guided journal interested you, you might also find these useful.
The Modeller's Journal (An essential companion for every workbench) by Matt from Model Minutes.

eritageCon is right around the corner!
HeritageCon 17
Warplane Heritage Museum Ticket Advance Purchase (Required for HeritageCon Attendance)

Support the Show!
Buy Me a Beer

Bump Riffs Graciously Provided by Ed Baroth
Ad Reads Generously Provided by Bob
"The Voice of Bob" Bair

Mike and Kentucky Dave thank each and everyone of you for participating on this journey with us. We are grateful for having you as listeners, and the community that has grown around Plastic Model Mojo makes it all worth while.

Categories: Podcasts

The Scale Model Podcast - Ep 150 - Still Cold

Scale Model Podcast - Sat, 01/25/2025 - 17:19


Welcome to Episode 150 of The Scale Model Podcast Sponsored by CultTVMan and Sean’s Custom Model Tools






Thanks to our latest Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee Supporters:

Check out our What We Like page for lists of what we like.




Aviation artist Roy Huxley passed away over the weekend


48 hour build

The 48in48 Challenge, spearheaded by James Skiffins and the Model Officers Mess Facebook group, is a globally celebrated scale modelling event with a mission: to bring together the modelling community while raising funds for Models for Heroes, a UK-based charity supporting the mental health of veterans and first responders through the therapeutic benefits of scale modelling. This year, the event is set to kick off on Friday 14th March 2025, promising 48 hours of camaraderie, creativity, and charity.


Scale Colors being purchased by Squadron


2 stories from Hobby Merchandiser Magazine

Bandai Raises Prices; Opens New Factory

Retail prices for models and collectibles from the popular anime

“Mobile Suit Gundam,” including Gundam plastic models (or gunpla), will progressively increase from April 2025, major toymaker Bandai

Spirits Co. announced.


Model Kit Market Set To Grow Through 2028

The global hobby model kits market is estimated to grow by 3.65%, or $219 million, through 2028, according to research firm Technavio.

The growing disposable income of the middle-class population is driving market growth, along with the growth in 3D printing.

IPMS Canada Website SNAFU resolved - membership renewals didn’t work in mid January - you could get to paying by PayPal but nothing would happen. The issue has been resolved, so go ahead and renew/start your membership!

IPMS 2024 Nationals Numbers released

Numbers from the 2024 IPMS National Convention

-1012 Members attended the convention

-There were 92 different vendors and 403 tables

-764 people bought one day passes (these are family passes, so they represent a larger number of people)

-2667 Models were entered in the contest

-Over 600 models were on display at our first “Tiger Meet”. Some of those models were entered in the contest on Friday

Airfix 2025 range launch

New tool items.

1/144 SLS Artemis Rocket

1/72 B-24D Liberator

1/72 Westland Wessex HC.2

1/48 SEPECAT Jaguar GR.1/GR.1A

1/48 Fairey Gannet COD.4

1/48 Spitfire Mk.IXe

1/48 Spitfire TR.9

1/35 Ferret Scout Car Mk.I

1/35 Alvis FV622 Stalwart Mk.2


Vintage classic announcements.

1/72 Puma HC.1 (1973)

1/72 Sopwith Pup (1973)

1/72 SEPECAT Jaguar (1970)

1/72 German E Boat (1975)

1/72 Vosper M.T.B (1972)

1/72 Lockheed Hudson (1963!!)

1/144 Boeing 314 Clipper (1967)

1/72 RAF Rescue Boat (1978)




We want to hear from you! Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions



Bridge for SNW Enterprise, by Paragrafix

Modeling Master File: How to Master Low Visibility Modern Aircraft by John Chung (Scale Scriber)

Two tracked AFV's from Hobbyboss in February

1/35 Telsa Tank from Border Models

WWII German Motorcycle Zundapp KS750

S-3B Viking Anti-Submarine Aircraft in 1/48 and 1/32 from Trumpeter

Caproni Ca.3 Final Renders in 1/32

Airscale is working on a 3D-printed Boulton Paul Mk.l in 1:32 scale.

A preview of Italeri's newest items

Trumpeter February

Ammo has a weathering pencil system.

What’s new at




Cult TV Man



Stuart - Work continues slowly on the Land Rover, I finished several Comstar battlemechs.


Geoff - IPMS London member George Wray and I were tagged to build a couple of IAR80 review models from IBG in Poland - George isn’t renovating a house, so his review was published in the latest IPMS Canada RT online magazine this month. His work is excellent, so I’ve been pushing myself to finish my version for the next issue. It’s a beautiful kit - maybe what Wingnut Wings would do if they did 1/72 WW2 Romanian fighters…


Terry - Work continues apace on the Moosaroo project. Mocking up the shadowbox has shown me a couple of things I’ll need to change. Groundwork looks good so far, but a lot left to do. I need to get into the airbrush booth for the sub and some other items but will wait until it warms up a little. Some progress on both the Destroid Phalanx, which should be done in a short while and the Claude which is just in the cockpit phase now. Plenty of shelf queens waiting for some attention once bench space is available.



Stuart - Return of the King, On Terry’s recommendation read and finished Stephen Baxter’s Voyage,

Geoff - Empire of the Summer Moon, by S.C. Gwynn - an excellent book about the history and destruction of the Comanche Nation in the southwest, centering around the remarkable last major Comanche leader, Quanah Parker. Apparently, it’s been picked up for a movie adaptation. Highly recommended.


Also, “The Skystone” by Jack Whyte, the first in a three volume series about the fictional “true” story behind the Arthurian legend. Hint: the core things happened in the period after the collapse of Roman rule in Britain as it slid into the dark ages, but no magic or mysticism- just events that were elaborated on over time until the myth we know today solidified. My son in law recommended it ages ago and I am pretty sure I read it before, but it’s very good and hard to put down


Terry: Finished Voyage by Steven Baxter, a very nice conjectural fiction about NASA going to Mars, and all the work and drama therein. I started his next book, Titan. The central conceit here is that Cassini/Huygens found life on Titan. I’m just in the early pages so it’s all place setting at this point. Also reading the Bleach Manga, now that it’s available in English for a decent price.



Seans Custom Model Tools



William Adair 1/144 German WWI Fighter

1/32 scratchbuilt Halifax IPMS Bolton, UK

Model Airplane Maker’s 2025 wish list.

WW2 ammo color set



For more modelling podcast goodness, check out other modelling podcasts at

Please leave us a positive review if you enjoy what we’re doing!

Check us out: FaceBook, YouTube, and our very own website. Unboxings are available at

We also have merchandise now. Check it out on Redbubble


Categories: Podcasts

OTB 205: Some new models for 2025

On the Bench Podcast - Fri, 01/24/2025 - 20:44

In Episode 205 The boys have a look at the Airfix and Italeri releases for 2025


You can leave a voicemail at


Or write to us


Don’t forget to support the sponsors of our show Scott from the Scale Modellers Supply


If you would like to support our show please go to


We recommend:- 

Black Hat Models

Workbench Hobbies

Categories: Podcasts

Built Sideways Podcast Season 5 Ep.1: Hello 2025!

Built Sideways Podcast - Fri, 01/24/2025 - 01:00

We're back! after a short hiatus the boys are back taking a look forward at the things they'd like to do for this year, and things they would much rather leave behind to last year! Join our Discord! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Check out our Patreon! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

This Episode is proudly sponsored by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠usagundamstore!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


Categories: Podcasts

4M Model Mayhem and more: PMM Model Show Spotlight

Plastic Model Mojo - Sun, 01/19/2025 - 13:00

Dave Mason, of the Mid-Michigan Model Makers, joins us for a fascinating look into the world of February model shows, particularly the much-anticipated 4M Model Mayhem event at Saginaw Valley State University. We promise you'll gain a deeper understanding of the event's rich offerings, from the evolution of judging systems to the broadening categories now including Gundam and gaming miniatures. Despite the potential for snowy weather in northern Michigan, Dave assures us of the club's knack for hosting successful shows during this time. With an expansive venue and a plethora of vendor tables, this event is a testament to the flourishing model hobby scene early this year.

Our journey doesn't stop in Michigan—get the scoop on other exciting February model shows across the country. Discover the unique attractions of ModelZona 2025 in Phoenix and Sprue Bowl 2 in Fresno, each with their own themes and special awards, like commemorating the Vietnam War's 50th anniversary. Whether you’re gearing up to showcase your work or simply eager to mingle with fellow model enthusiasts, these events promise a rewarding experience. We also offer practical travel tips, drawing from past snowy adventures, to ensure your journey is as enjoyable as the destination. Prepare to embrace the camaraderie and vibrant social atmosphere these model shows have to offer!

Get all the details below:

4M Model Mayhem Show Information (Mid-Michigan Model Makers)
ModelZona Show Information (Craig Hewitt Chapter, IPMS Phoenix)
Sprue Bowl II (IPMS Fresno)
BlizzCon (Eddie Rickenbacker Chapter, IPMS Columbus)

Model Paint Solutions
Your source for Harder & Steenbeck Airbrushes and David Union Power Tools

Adding to the stash since 1968

Model Podcasts
Please check out the other pods in the modelsphere!

PMM Merchandise Store
Support the show with PMM Merchandise!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Bump Riffs Graciously Provided by Ed Baroth
Ad Reads Generously Provided by Bob
"The Voice of Bob" Bair

Mike and Kentucky Dave thank each and everyone of you for participating on this journey with us. We are grateful for having you as listeners, and the community that has grown around Plastic Model Mojo makes it all worth while.

Categories: Podcasts

Journaling and Scale Modeling with Steve Anderson: Episode 132

Plastic Model Mojo - Mon, 01/13/2025 - 00:00

How does one keep the creative juices flowing amidst life's interruptions? As we kick off the new year on Plastic Model Mojo, Mike battles a kidney stone, while they both grapple with snowstorms, seeking to keep their modeling passion ignited. Listen in as Kentucky Dave and Mike sip on fine bourbons like Russell’s Reserve 10 year, and Rabbit Hole Dareringer, sharing personal stories of perseverance and our excitement for future projects. From the highs and lows of model building to the vibrant revamp of our online presence, this episode is packed with insights on keeping the modeling mojo alive.

Join us on a global listener mail tour of the modeling scene as listeners from England to the Netherlands chime in with their unique experiences and questions. Eddie Turner’s whimsical query about lunar lander recording studios sparks a lively debate, while Lauren Steffers and Will Jordanger share insights into 3D printing and laser cutting. Hear about Bruce McRae's journey to a recent show and the joy he and his wife find in our podcast during their road trips. This international flavor adds a rich tapestry to our modeling discussions, celebrating the passion that unites modelers worldwide.

Explore the conconcept of journaling for model building with our guest, Steve Anderson.  From the joy of new acquisitions to the philosophy of intentional creation, we cover everything from weathering construction equipment to the cathartic nature of palette cleanser projects. Dive into the depth of sharing this hobby with others, embracing failure, and using journaling as a tool for overcoming creative blocks. This episode promises to inspire, challenge, and motivate modelers to push their boundaries and embrace the full potential of this beloved hobby.

Journal Insights - Guest Steve Anderson's site for the discussed journal (10% off and free shipping with discount code "Mojo")
Amazon Link for the same
F&A Miniatures - Polish 1939 era vehicles etc.

Support the Show!
Buy Me a Beer

Model Paint Solutions
Your source for Harder & Steenbeck Airbrushes and David Union Power Tools

Adding to the stash since 1968

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Bump Riffs Graciously Provided by Ed Baroth
Ad Reads Generously Provided by Bob
"The Voice of Bob" Bair

Mike and Kentucky Dave thank each and everyone of you for participating on this journey with us. We are grateful for having you as listeners, and the community that has grown around Plastic Model Mojo makes it all worth while.

Categories: Podcasts

PPP Special Episode - ModelFiesta Wrap Up and Brandon Jacobs talks Winterblitz 2025!!

Plastic Posse Podcast - Sun, 01/12/2025 - 16:00

Welcome to a special episode of the Triple P.

JB and I talk about our recent trip to San Antonio for the 2025 edition of ModelFiesta! We had a great time and there is a lot to talk about!

We also sit down and have a conversation with Brandon Jacobs and we talk about.... well just about everything! We focus on his upcoming Winterblitz show, and if you are an armor builder and in the area - you won't want to miss this one!

If you would like to become a Posse Outrider, and make a recurring monthly donation of $ 1 and up, visit us at .

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JB-Closet Modeler (JB):
Three Tens' Modelworks (Jensen):

AK Interactive:
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Categories: Podcasts

The Scale Model Podcast - Ep 149 - Back for 2025

Scale Model Podcast - Sat, 01/11/2025 - 19:07


Welcome to Episode 149 Sponsored by CultTVMan and Sean’s Custom Model Tools

Recorded on Jan 6th 2025





Thanks to our latest Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee Supporters:

Check out our What We Like page for lists of what we like.



Mid Michigan Model Makers presents the 4M Mayhem




We want to hear from you! Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions



Tamiya 2025 Catalog is out

ICM 2025 Catalog has been released

Academy 2025

Arma Hobby 2025 Release Plan

Trumpeter 2025-2026 - catalogue

Hasegawa 2025


Airfix 2025 Range Launch scheduled for Jan 14th.

1/48 & 1/32 - North American XF-108 Rapier 3D printed kits by Flying S Models - 3D renders

1/48 & 1/72 - Consolidated B-32 Dominator 3D printed kits by One Man Model - expected in 2025

What’s new at




Cult TV Man



Stuart - Revell 1/24 Land Rover Series III LWB station wagon. Picked this up at Heritagecon last year. My Dad has a short wheelbase model and I’m doing it as a tribute build to him. Many sprues and much priming and painting.

I gave my airbrushes a good deep clean over the holidays. One of my Badger airbrushes needs a good service. Badger offers a lifetime labor warranty on their airbrushes so I’m packing the 155 and my 105 for a well-deserved service. I’ve heard good things in the past from people who have used this service. These two brushes have served me for over 10+ years.

Also picked up a Trumpeter 1/48 Westland Whirlwind and a 1/76 Nutrocker from an estate sale at the LHS.

Geoff - still focused on home renovations, but I did do a little work on the IBG kit. (IAR 80) Finally went to our local hobby shop and met the new owner today, and picked up a stash kit - an old resin kit of the Martian war machine from the 1953 version of War of the Worlds!

Terry - Work continues on the Moosaroo, the subject is coming along nicely and I need to start working on the diorama portion. The Wave Destroid Phalanx is moving along, with decals and some weathering. I’ll need to touch up some of the decals over the highly raised detail. My club, the Techmages, has started a BTS challenge, and I have plenty to finish up. I finally bought the old Grenadier (1993) Wyvern which has been staring at me from the high shelf in Games Plus. Beautifully cast, as were all the Grenadier miniatures.

[foogallery id="3864"]



Seans Custom Model Tools



Stuart - The Lord of the Rings - Return of the King. Every few years I re-read Tolkien’s classic trilogy.

Geoff - finished The Apollo Murders by Cmdr Chris Hatfield. Lots of fun and detail for space junkies. Also knee deep in “A Man on the Moon” by Andrew Chakin - a very deep dive into the lives of the Apollo astronauts and their personal experiences of their work. Very good.

Terry - Reading Stephen Baxter’s Voyage, first of his alternate history series about going to Mars with Saturn V-era technology. It’s an interesting exploration of what could have happened, while most of the world’s events remain the same. It’s a big book, and follows a few people in two timelines, one on the Mars mission and one on the events which led to it.



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Categories: Podcasts

OTB 204: The M113.

On the Bench Podcast - Fri, 01/10/2025 - 19:56

In the first episode for the year, the boys consider where they might go in 2026 for a field trip.  

In the meantime, Stewart Rolfe and John “Spud” Murphy drop in to talk about the 1/16th Scale M113, building it, painting it, weathering it and displaying it. Great conversation! 


The winner of our Patreon Wheel of Fortune is announced….and what a cracker of a prize!


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Don’t forget to support the sponsors of our show Scott from the Scale Modellers Supply


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We recommend:- 

Black Hat Models


Workbench Hobbies

Categories: Podcasts

PMM Twelve Minute Modelsphere: January 2025

Plastic Model Mojo - Fri, 01/03/2025 - 00:00

Ever wondered how staying local for the holidays can bring unexpected joy? This January, we're reflecting on the warmth of family gatherings without the stress of travel and how it sets a positive tone for the New Year's modeling adventures. Join us as we gear up for the Chattanooga Model Con and Winter Blitz 2025 in Texas, promising excitement for model enthusiasts everywhere. Our upcoming episodes are packed with insights, including a fascinating chat with Steve Anderson about his guided journal for modelers, and an informative session with Dr. Strangebush on primers that every hobbyist will love.

This short feature also celebrates the artistry of the modeling community, spotlighting Joshua Scott's standout Gundam model. Discover his exceptional techniques and get inspired to share your own masterpieces. As we encourage show hosts to contribute photo essays and event details, we're all about reigniting your passion for modeling and connecting with fellow enthusiasts around the globe. Whether you're crafting in your workshop or attending a show, let's kick off this year with creativity and community spirit!

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Model Paint Solutions
Your source for Harder & Steenbeck Airbrushes and David Union Power Tools

Adding to the stash since 1968

Model Podcasts
Please check out the other pods in the modelsphere!

PMM Merchandise Store
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Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Bump Riffs Graciously Provided by Ed Baroth
Ad Reads Generously Provided by Bob
"The Voice of Bob" Bair

Mike and Kentucky Dave thank each and everyone of you for participating on this journey with us. We are grateful for having you as listeners, and the community that has grown around Plastic Model Mojo makes it all worth while.

Categories: Podcasts

Reflecting on 2024 and Exciting Plans for 2025: Episode 131

Plastic Model Mojo - Mon, 12/30/2024 - 10:00

What if the secret to mastering model building lies in embracing the journey rather than the destination? Join us as we reminisce about the highs and lows of 2024, a year filled with camaraderie, creativity, and countless shows where we connected with our amazing listeners. Enjoying a Dr. Pepper and Boatswain American IPA, we toast to the joy this hobby has brought us, even when our projects didn't quite make it to the finish line. We share personal stories from our modeling adventures, reflecting on the inspiration drawn from the transition from digital creation to the tactile joy of hands-on crafting.

As we turn our sights to 2025, we're buzzing with excitement . Our plans are ambitious: more episodes per month, a sparkling new website, and personal goals that include finishing the SAM and Moosaroo, while embarking on new builds like the Tamiya Zero and B24D. The air is thick with anticipation as we outline our content strategy, including vendor insights and engaging listener interactions, all designed to deepen our connection with the community that has supported us so wholeheartedly.

This episode is a treasure trove for model-building enthusiasts, packed with tales of successful builds, aspirations for future projects, and the thrill of attending modeling events. From YouTube to blogging, our creative journeys have been varied and inspiring, culminating in a celebration of personal achievements and a look ahead to new challenges. As we express our gratitude to our listeners, we share our excitement for what lies ahead, wishing everyone a Happy New Year filled with endless modeling possibilities. So many kits, so little time!

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Adding to the stash since 1968

Model Paint Solutions
Your source for Harder & Steenbeck Airbrushes and David Union Power Tools

Model Podcasts
Please check out the other pods in the modelsphere!

PMM Merchandise Store
Support the show with PMM Merchandise!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Bump Riffs Graciously Provided by Ed Baroth
Ad Reads Generously Provided by Bob
"The Voice of Bob" Bair

Mike and Kentucky Dave thank each and everyone of you for participating on this journey with us. We are grateful for having you as listeners, and the community that has grown around Plastic Model Mojo makes it all worth while.

Categories: Podcasts