International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



IPMS/USA holds Executive Board elections every two years. The Eboard wants to be sure that anyone interested in running for office is fully informed as to what is expected of each officer. We also want our members to know what the candidates for the Eboard plan to do for the Society if elected, as well as why the candidate feels they are qualified to serve as an Eboard member. Here are some pointers on how to get on the ballot, what each officer position does, how much of your time it will take to do each job, and what the members need to know to vote for you. We are always looking for new people to volunteer and run for election to the Eboard. Here is your chance!

Nominations for elections are due by December 31 of the year prior to the election. The voting period runs from May through September 1 of the election year. Each nominee must complete a nomination form and obtain the endorsement of at least 25 IPMS/USA members in good standing for the office of President, or 15 members for the other offices. The form is available here:

There have been occasions in the past where individuals have been elected to the Eboard who weren’t really fully aware of what their responsibilities on the Eboard would be. This can be disastrous, not only for the newly elected board member, but for the Society as well. To help prevent this we have published detailed job descriptions for each elected Eboard office here:

Each candidate must prepare a short biography explaining their history in modeling and life, and how it is relevant to why they are qualified to help lead the Society. Just as importantly, each candidate should describe their vision for the Society over the next few years and how they would accomplish it. We will publish these candidate statements in the Journal and email them to the membership when the election is opened for voting.

Voting ends on September 1 of the election year, and the new Eboard begins their term on November 1. Our next election is in 2025, so if you are interested in helping lead the Society for the next two years, get your nominating petitions in by December 31, 2024. It’s to our advantage as an organization to see more candidates each election year, so that the membership has choices in leadership and the direction the Society takes.

To read the full statement:


EBoard Responsibilities & Duties: