Here is the presentation from 2021 IPMS/USA National Business Meeting held at the National Convention in Las Vegas.
Posted on: August 24, 2021
Here is the preliminary winners list from the 2021 IPMS/USA National Contest.
Posted on: August 16, 2021
August 18 - 21, 2021
In the Fabulous City of LAS VEGAS
Posted on: July 22, 2021
Old Business/Tabled Items/Discussion
- Treasurer Shimek announced that the 2015 budget is complete and ready for publication in the next Journal.
New Business
- No formal motions made. Discussion centered around the various reports noted below.
Officer/Staff Reports
Dick Christ, President
- Nothing to report.
David Morrissette, 1st VP
- We’re having a big push to get to 1000 posted reviews? we’re currently at 983 with more to be posted soon.
- Late reviews are down to under 80 but are coming in bit by bit.
- Two of the late review offenders have been resolved with one left to go.
- We have a new supplier for...
Posted on: July 22, 2021
Old Business/Tabled Items/Discussion
- The 2015 budget has been completed and will soon be presented to the board by Treasurer John Shimek for approval soon.
- Chief Judge Mark Persichetti acknowledged the recent out-of-box category discussion on the IPMS/USA forums and has shared it with his chief judges. Mark will be sharing his/their thoughts about the OOB categories in a future Journal article.
New Business
- President Dick Christ noted that he has received positive feedback about the 50th Anniversary articles that have appeared in the Journal - especially the articles about the planes IPMS/USA members flew. He wants to put the word out to the membership that we'd like to see more articles of this sort in the Journal in the...
Posted on: July 22, 2021
Old Business/Tabled Items/Discussion
- Work continues on completing a 2015 budget.
New Business
- President Dick Christ discussed his goal of increasing membership and asked for ideas for increasing our membership from the rest of the board as well as the Regional Coordinators.
- President Christ made a motion to increase the discount for multi-year memberships from $1 to $2 so that members would now save an extra $2 for renewing more than one year. First VP Dave Morrissette seconded. Motion carried by acclamation.
Officer/Staff Reports
Dick Christ, President
- Nothing to report.
David Morrissette, 1st VP
- Reviewer Corps:
- Late...
Posted on: July 22, 2021
Old Business/Tabled Items
- Continuing discussion over the 2015 budget. Treasurer is working up the proposed budget using data from last year and projections from board members. A cap of $10,000 has been placed on the Make N Take program and $2500 has been put into the 2015 budget for promotions/marketing.
New Business
- Chief Judge Mark Persichetti presented the National Contest Committee's recommendation that the board approve the naming four "best of" awards through contest year 2017. He also submitted for board approval the elimination of the "best of" award for best chapter/group entry as it was duplicating the "Custer Cup" award already given to the best chapter/...
Posted on: July 22, 2021
Hampton National Convention
Aug. 9, 2014
(Please download the PDF of the slideshow that was shown at this meeting and refer to it while reading the minutes. It contains slides containing our financial information as well as other items of interest ? Sec. Tennant)
President Dick Christ brought the meeting to order at 9 a.m. with the following board members present: 2VP Bell, Secretary Tennant, DLC Randel, Treasurer Shimek, DFL Ratzenberger
Thirty members were in attendance. A sign-up sheet was passed to record attendees and their IPMS/USA membership numbers.
Pres. Christ began his presentation (included with these minutes for easy...
read more... Posted on: July 22, 2021
Old Business
- The National Contest Committee (NCC) has approved the National Model Contest Guide document, with edits, and 2VP Bell has made those changes and has submitted the final version to the President. A copy has also been sent to the webmaster for posting on the web site.
New Business
- A motion was made by DFL John Ratzenberger to increase the annual membership dues to $30/year for US residents, $35 for Canada and Mexico residents and $40 for all other countries effective January 1, 2015. Sec. Dennis Tennant seconded the motion and the board voted unanimously to approve the motion.
- Another motion was made by Ratzenberger to increase the annual charter and/or re-charter fees for chapters to $30/year effective...
Posted on: July 22, 2021
Old Business/Tabled Items
- Beginning with the September meeting, Chief Judge Mark Persichetti will be invited to all future e-board meetings to present a report on the National Contest Committee as well as answer e-board questions. Sec. Dennis Tennant will send him a meeting notice with dial-in information prior to each meeting.
New Business
- Motion made by Sec. Tennant that the board accept the final convention report submitted by the 2013 Convention (Loveland) Committee so that they can receive their share of the profits. Pubs/Historian Jim Pearsall seconded the motion and the motion passed by acclamation. The checks will be printed and mailed within the week.
- President Dick Christ announced that, due to a family emergency,...