About the Event... This is a hybrid event with Automotive and Aircraft classes being judged in the traditional IPMS style and the rest being judged using the Open Sysyem. Our raffle features several big ticket new (current) releases as well as a large selection of other new items. Food is available and there is plenty of parking. All display tables are raised. While we limit entries to 3 models per category per modeller, there is space to display models not in competition. Entry fee for the contest is $5.00 for the first three models and $2.00 for each addition model to a maximium of $15.00 (8 models)Additional entries are free. We strongly recommend modesl be on a base to reduce the reduce the need to touch a model durong judging. We will alos have bases for your use, if you need them. General admission is $5.00 with children under 16 admitted free. There is no entry fee for entrants under 16. Our forms are available at our website and we encourage entrants to download them and fill them out on their computers. Event Information Event Date: March 30, 2025 - 9:00am to 5:00pm EDT Location Name: Knights of Columbus Elder Council 69Event Address: 460 Granby Road Chicopee, MA 01020 United States Region Number: Region 1 - NortheastEvent Host: Wings & Wheels Modelers/IPMSHosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): IPMS/Wings & WheelsWebsite: Valleycon 34 Contact Information Contest Chairperson's Name: Al LaFlechePhone: 4133061270E-mail: wings.wheels.modelers@gmail.com