International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • None.

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Starting to gear up for elections next year.
  • Working on a booklet/hand out to give to new members with modeling tips.

John Noack, 1st VP

  • Nothing to report.

T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President

  • Nothing to report.

Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer

  • Our October financial reports show us with an income of almost $50,000 year to date. Keep in mind that we will be paying out about $11,000 of that to Phoenix when convention reporting is complete. After...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • Unanimous approval for our new Advertising Manager, Bill Whipple, to receive free membership as long as he serves in this role.

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Working with John Emery to get more emphasis on our "support the troops" program including a guest column in the Journal from him explaining the functioning of the program and a possible outside sponsor.
  • Due to a slow down in business needing attention and the ability to handle a lot of it via the internet, we have changed the E-board meeting schedule to a bi-monthly update and meeting via conference call every four months. That means updates will only be posted on the...
Posted on: July 15, 2021


  • New Micro-Mark discount to members goes into effect.
  • Four potential bidders for 2020/2021 National Conventions.
  • Memberships up significantly from last year.

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • After a brief interval for personal reasons, I have re-started work on compiling info for the RFP for the web site update. 

John Noack, 1st VP

  • Added several new suppliers to Review process.
  • Scrubbed active Reviewers' list for expired membership dates, excessive late reviews, etc- provided list of active reviewers to Phil Peterson for guidance in...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Discussion Items

  • None.

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • I’m working with two other hobby groups for partnerships in advertising/mutual support.

John Noack, 1st VP

  • We received a large package of review samples as well as National raffle donations from a Russian supplier, AM Models.
  • A 15% off, IPMS/USA member-only, discount program with Micro-Mark has been established and an access code will be published in the next Journal. Also, Micro-Mark will begin sending us exclusive review items... a win-win all around.
  • Approximately 221 reviews have been processed to date in 2018.
  • The Hobbico bankruptcy has impacted the quantity of available items. I'm...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Discussion Items

  • None.

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • I will start collating the input from the non-techies in the website renovation and will then share them with Webmaster Eric Aitala for the tech part so we can write an RFP.
  • Working on partnership with another hobby organization for a membership/info table swap at each other's convention. 
  • Something I am not doing the next Journal is writing a column. Dave Knight, the new Recruitment & Retention  secretary, will take my place so he can explain his new position to the membership.

John Noack, 1st VP

  • Added...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Discussion Items

  • To take advantage of the fact that our new Recruitment and Retention Secretary is an attorney, President Bell suggested that the board begin using David Knights as our legal counsel. David graciously agreed to help the Society with its legal issues in the future. This change will make it quicker and more convenient for the Board to obtain legal advice. Our former counsel, Kaliste Saloom, has been informed and thanked for his years of service to the board.
  • MOTION MADE — Jim Pearsall made the motion to appoint Bill Whipple as the Journal advertising manager with Mike Oberholtzer seconding. The Board voted unanimously in favor. Whipple accepted the position March 19, 2018 and will have his membership comped upon acceptance for the length of his...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • None

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Spent time getting 2VP TJ Misiolek up to speed.
  • Re-confirmed potential bidders for our next convention bid meeting.
  • Coordinated with the NCC and the Phoenix Convention folks to get the contest categories and rules published.

John Noack, 1st VP

  • Reviews continue to be posted — a little bit of a slow start to the year but picking up. I'm pinging all of the manufacturers and distributors regularly.
  • I began a campaign to bring some new manufacturers on board and have landed three new companies thus far. We...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • The Board appointed David Knights to fill the new position of Recruitment and Retention Secretary and TJ Misiolek as 2nd VP. I spent some time putting together info for both appointees regarding their responsibilities and getting them listed in all the right places.
  • Due to the holidays, not much else happened.

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • I am in the process of briefing our new Recruitment and Retention Secretary on our existing programs and how the Eboard functions.
  • Next task is to appoint a 2nd VP, which will happen shortly.
  • Have tasked Sec. Tennant to get the management of SIGs in order so...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

2019 IPMS/USA National Convention Business Meeting Presentation

Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • President John Noack suggested that the board pay $600 to sponsor noted Monogram designer Tom Daniels as a speaker at the San Marcos National Convention in 2020. After discussion, 2VP Misiolek made the motion (with Sec. Tennant seconding) that the National organization sponsor Daniels and defray some of his expenses. Motion passed on condition of Daniels attending and accepting our invitation to speak. The IPMS/USA will pay $600 towards expenses (if he accepts our offer) to have him speak in San Marcos in 2020.
  • President John Noack and board members DLC Lockhart, Treas. Oberholtzer and Sec. Tennant recently judged the National Hobby Town National Model Contest. They put their years of model building experience to good use and judged the best...