International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Posted on: July 15, 2021

2019 IPMS/USA National Convention Business Meeting Presentation

Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • President John Noack suggested that the board pay $600 to sponsor noted Monogram designer Tom Daniels as a speaker at the San Marcos National Convention in 2020. After discussion, 2VP Misiolek made the motion (with Sec. Tennant seconding) that the National organization sponsor Daniels and defray some of his expenses. Motion passed on condition of Daniels attending and accepting our invitation to speak. The IPMS/USA will pay $600 towards expenses (if he accepts our offer) to have him speak in San Marcos in 2020.
  • President John Noack and board members DLC Lockhart, Treas. Oberholtzer and Sec. Tennant recently judged the National Hobby Town National Model Contest. They put their years of model building experience to good use and judged the best...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • None

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Balloting for the election and survey is now closed and Office Manager Marie is working on getting the totals pulled together from mailed in, on-line and convention site voting.

John Noack, 1st VP

  • Peter Veltri, president of Atlantis Models, has offered to include an IPMS membership application in the kits he boxes at a discount rate (3 cents per insert vs. his normal rate of 10 cents). He's recommending an initial run of 10000 inserts, a $300 investment should we choose to move forward. The board approved an investment...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • Motion made by Secretary Tennant and seconded by TJ Misiolek that IPMS/USA offer a free one year membership to any disabled veteran joining the IPMS/USA. This is for NEW members only. Motion passed. Tennant will be working to get the info out to the membership.

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Nothing to report.

John Noack, 1st VP

  • No new items for me, just the usual 1VP traffic in and out.  

T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President

  • I have one convention pre-bid so far. 

Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer

  • Revenues continue to do well so far this year due to continued...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • None

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Working on election ballot/Journal election issue and getting on-line voting ready.
  • Coordinating with group of members concerning contest judging system survey to be in Journal and at Nationals.
  • Working on new booklet for recruiting members called "Basically Speaking."

John Noack, 1st VP

  • Picking up additional manufacturers and publishers for review products.
  • Coordinating with Chattanooga to assist them with soliciting industry donations and raffle items.
  • Pace has picked up on reviews in the first quarter of 2019.

T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President

Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • None

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Elections. Changes to the IPMS/USA Constitution caused some confusion with the candidate nomination process for our upcoming election in the Fall of 2019. The nomination document contained several errors including the deadline for filing. Secretary Tennant has updated the form and the updated version is now on the website. President Bell will coordinate with John Heck to make sure there is room for candidate bios as well as voting info in the election issue of the Journal later this year.
  • I am working on a "Basically Speaking" booklet for new members. It contains hints and tips compiled from an old column I used to write. I (and the rest of the...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Actions Items

Two motions were made and approved.

A motion to appoint Ro Annis as Director of Publications/Historian to fill the remainder of Jim Pearsall's term was made and unanimously approved by the board.

Following group discussion, a motion was made by Dave Knights to proceed with a six-month evaluation of Wild Apricot, a web-based content management firm, to see if it can handle our current (and future) operational needs. Our reliance on "homegrown" and maintained systems for things like convention registration and other operating processes need to be updated and standardized using commercially available systems and Treasurer Michael Oberholtzer and his technology review team felt this vendor may fit the bill. The motion passed and the trial period will...

Posted on: July 15, 2021

Actions Taken

Given the fact there hasn’t been a lot of board activity in recent months, it was unanimously decided to move to quarterly meetings/updates instead of monthly updates.

Sec. Tennant made the motion (1VP Peterson seconded) that the IPMS/USA explore the possibility of sponsoring podcasts related to the hobby as a trial to see if they would be an effective way to recruit new members. Given their growing popularity, Tennant said, it would be good for the Society to get in on the ground floor and be a sponsor for two or three of the more successful modeling programs. R&R Sec. Knights concurred. The motion passed unanimously. Knights and Tennant will explore the costs and figure out a way to offer a discount/rebate for new members who join IPMS/USA through...

Posted on: July 15, 2021

General discussion and action on the 2020 Nationals

  • The board met, at President John Noack's request, on June 25 for a special meeting concerning the 2020 National Convention. Given the current state of the COVID-19 virus in Texas at that time, the majority of the board and Convention Chair Len Pilhofer felt that the best course was to cancel the 2020 convention and move it to 2023 at the same location. Noack, Pilhofer and Knights (acting as our legal counsel) negotiated with Embassy Suites to cancel and reschedule the convention for a cancellation fee of $10,000. Negotiations were not final at the time of this meeting and the three will continue working with Embassy Suites management to finalize arrangements and move the convention to 2023.
  • A motion to pay...
Posted on: July 15, 2021

Action Items

  • Marie’s contract has been renewed for another year.
  • A motion was made and passed to spend $100 to sponsor a trophy pack in the upcoming Italian Nationals. (the Italy Nationals have since been canceled for 2020)
  • We have formed a technology review team to look over options for updating our technology and website. Treasurer Mike Oberholtzer is chairing the effort with DLC David Lockhart, Secretary Dennis Tennant, Webmaster Eric Aitala and Office Manager Marie Van Schoonhoven as team members.
  • Pres. Noack initiated a discussion about creating a new adjunct position to better support our various outreach programs with active and retired military members. The majority of the board is in favor but we need to finesse some of the...