Call to Order
- This meeting was called to order on June 16, 2024, at 7:02 PM (EDT) by Phil Peterson
Agenda – Topics for Discussion
- Action Items (AI) Review
- Round Table, Open Discussion
- Adjournment
Action Items Updates
Action Items - Old Business
- Achievements/Awards
- Achievement awards for chapter leadership recognition were completed, and awards were ordered.
- Scholarship awards were distributed and will be highlighted at the upcoming national convention.
- National Convention award recipients are generally available for recognition. Confirmation of their availability will be completed.
- The Eboard would like to recognize the implementation team of the national convention automated registration tool. It will be determined how to recognize this team at a later date.
- Revised Competition Handbook
- The revised competition handbook was reviewed and posted on the IPMS/USA website. Version control will be added before making it downloadable. Printed copies will be available for judges to reference at the national convention.
- 60th Anniversary
- Commemorative 60th Anniversary pins are on their way to the team preparing national convention registration packets. Distribution to non-convention members will be completed at a later date.
- The IPMS/USA 60th Anniversary logo can be used in IPMS/USA communications throughout the remainder of this year until the beginning of the 2025 National Convention.
- 60th Anniversary giveaway prizes have begun to arrive. Winners will be announced at the 2024 National Convention.
- Eboard Nominations
- An online Eboard nomination process is being created and will include position descriptions and a submission process for each role. This process will be refined and made available for the next voting session.
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy acceptance from the IPMS/USA Eboard was completed and is available in DropBox for reference.
- Additional acceptance is expected to be completed by all IPMS/USA volunteers over the next few months. The policy statement will be distributed electronically, and acceptance by signature will be captured and stored in DropBox for reference.
Action Items - New Business
- IPMS/USA Journal
- A draft IPMS/USA Journal design sample was distributed to the Eboard and was well received. We encourage the publication team to use their expertise to refresh and revitalize this essential publication.
- Reviewer’s Corp
- The IPMS/USA Journal continues to add reviewers, including our first Dutch reviewer.
- A display table secured for the Reviewers' Corps will be available at the national convention. Look for the colorful banner.
- Reviewer plaques will be distributed at the national convention commemorating the 500th review.
- Finalizing the logistics to support the Industry Appreciation Dinner on July 18 at the national convention.
- IPMS/USA National Convention
- A generic NATS website that can be customized to support host chapters is in progress.
- The 2026 National Convention bid is being prepared and will be presented at the 2024 National Convention after the Annual Meeting.
- Current Report: 300 Guests and 700 IPMS/USA Members; registrants from as far away as Africa and Switzerland. Three hundred eighty-four vendor tables are approaching capacity.
Round Table Discussion
- Logistics for the Annual Meeting
- Coordinate with the Madison team on AV equipment, including a PC laptop.
- Social Media Activities
- A brief discussion on capturing photos for awards and options for a smooth transition was held.
- YouTube Sync
- Seeking someone to act as a podcast interviewer, engaging with first-time attendees and asking questions about models and the convention; interested participants can contact our Social Media director.
- The next meeting is scheduled for July 20, 2024, at the 2024 National Convention.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM (EDT) by Phil Peterson.
These meeting minutes are submitted on 6/30/2024 by Jessica Ivancso, IPMS/USA EBoard, Secretary.