International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Present: Phil Peterson (PP), John Noack (JN), Mike Oberholtzer (MO), Scott Hackney (SH), Jessica Ivancso (JI), John Figueroa (JF), Eugenie Taylor Ray (ETR), and Marie Van Schoonhoven (MVS)
  • Absent: David Knights (DK), Ro Annis (RA)

Call to Order

  • This meeting was called to order on July 20, 2024, at 11:05 AM (CDT) by Phil Peterson at the 2024 Annual Convention in Madison, WI.

Agenda – Topics for Discussion

  • Old Business
    • Special Membership Pricing (50th Anniversary)
    • IPMS/USA Mission and Vision Statements
  • New Business
    • 2026 Convention Bid Discussion Review and Approval
    • 2024 Convention Observations
  • Round Table
  • Adjournment

Action Items Updates


Action Items - Old Business

  • Special Membership Pricing (50th Anniversary)
    • The 60th Anniversary deal is going well. Due to prepayment income, we have a good shot at continuing to break even over the course of three years. Financial reports might look strange due to the three-year deal, but don't be concerned because it will level off over time. (Reported by MO)
    • There are different membership types in IPMS/USA with varying costs. Because of this, special membership pricing adjustments will need to be made in Wild Apricot. (Reported by MO)
      • Action Item: Create membership pricing options for Can/Mexico/International membership categories: Can/Mex - Adult = $70; Can/Mex - Fam = $80; Int’l Adult = $76; Int'l Fam = $86 (Assigned to MO)
      • These prices take into account the differences in the cost of postage to send to the IPMS/USA Journal worldwide.
    • It was noted that the postage cost had steadily increased over time. Some members have opted not to receive a copy of the IPMS/USA Journal. (Reported by MVS)
    • Individual “Junior” memberships have decreased significantly in lieu of family membership. The cost per person is much lower. (Reported by MO)
  • The IPMS/USA Mission and Vision documentation is in DRAFT form and ready for review by the EBoard. (Reported by ETR)
    • Action Item: Add a review of the Mission and Vision document to the agenda for the Eboard to discuss. (Assigned to JI)
    • Once it's finalized, what is the plan for distribution? To be reviewed. (Reported by ETR)
  • It was suggested that the Eboard consider adding a new role to the national staff. An IT Subject Matter Expert could help coordinate technology enhancements and communication. (Reported by JN/MO)

Action Items - New Business

  • 2026 Convention Bid Discussion Review
    • Make sure that if there is no banquet being held, the schedule allows attendees enough time to eat off-site and return to the convention for an award ceremony. (Reported by JN)
    • Often, convention facilities collect walk-in registration fees due to handling and taxes. Then, it distributes the proceeds to IPMS. (Reported by MO)
    • Phil Peterson, President, made a motion to formally accept the 2026 Convention Bid as presented by John Figeroa, Conference Chair and Director of Local Chapters. John Figeroa abstained from voting. The remaining attendees voted to accept the bid!
  • 2024 Convention Observations
    • It was recommended that guidance be provided to support the printing and distribution of convention “decals” to control costs and design.
      • Action item: SH will note this in his lessons learned report.
    • It was recommended that future vendor sponsorships be reviewed to be more inclusive of smaller businesses.
      • Action item: SH will note this in his lessons learned report.
    • Discussions with representatives from IPMS Canada and IPMS Mexico went well. IPMS Mexico currently holds a National Contest in Mexico City, and IPMS Canada is considering changing HeritageCon into a National Contest. In the past, this has been a local show held in Hamilton, ON. (Reported by PP)
    • The existing judging system was well received; however, it should be monitored to address any potential integration with multiple systems. (Reported by MO)
    • It was observed that QR codes are being used by IPMS/USA chapters and are getting good results among the members. A suggestion of a reusable QR code might work for future conventions. (Reported by PP)
    • It was suggested that generic convention signage be considered for future use. (Reported by SH)

Round Table

  • Activities and support currently assigned to the IPMS/USA secretary will be completed by members of the Eboard.
    • It was suggested that for the month of August, coverage for the following be reassigned:
      • Eboard meeting prep and scheduling for August 18, 2024 – see DropBox
      • Action items should be kept current by all Eboard members – see DropBox
      • Responses to General Inquiries and Special Interest Groups sent to (redirected to – a notification has been prepared to auto-reply to incoming requests
    • These activities and their assignments will be readdressed at the discretion of the Eboard in September.


  • The next meeting is scheduled for August 18, 2024, via Zoom virtual connection.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM (CDT) by Phil Peterson.


These meeting minutes are submitted on 7/28/2024 by Jessica Ivancso, IPMS/USA EBoard, Secretary.