International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Present: Phil Peterson (PP), John Noack (JN), Scott Hackney (SH), Mike Oberholtzer (MO), Ro Annis (RA), David Knights (DK), Eugenie Taylor Ray (ETR), Philip Perry (PhP), Eric Aitala (EA), Marie Van Schoonhoven (MVS)
  • Absent:  Jessica Ivancso (JI), John Figueroa (JF), Nancy Kennedy-Hackney (NKH), Stephen Broughall (SB)

Call to Order

  • This meeting was called to order on August 18, 2024, at 7:04 PM (EDT) by Phil Peterson 

Agenda - Topics for Discussion

  • Filling EBoard Position

  • Staff Reports/Round Table
  • Action Item Review
  • Adjournment

Filling eBoard Position

  • Due to her employer's Conflict of Interest policy, JI can no longer serve as secretary moving forward. We agree to try to fill the Secretary Position with the candidate from the process of selection in January, and request that JI write a short paragraph for the transition.

Staff Updates:

  • MVS: 60th Anniversary Membership Discount has been a "big hit" - with excellent results. Very good feedback and response for taking up the offer. Reaching out personally to individuals with membership issues, helping resolve membership concerns, fixing membership renewal dates 
  • IPMS/USA Journal in the mail - latest IPMS Journal largest mail out ever
  • EA: Website - Reviews issues sorted out.  Working with team on Nats website, needs more content to move forward and produce final product. Server company did a host migration, but every detail is sorted out now. Forum had a person create an account and started posting spam, account was deleted and spam removed. Received excel list of all winners from Nationals. Action Item: JF to send member/chapter/website/newsletter of the year to EA.  Website Maintenance: will be unable to update for the first couple of weeks in September, working on message to make sure that people are aware of any delays
  • Convention Registration - Ideas to fix registration to prevent circumvention of "guests" registration, need to clarify "guests" within the system. Need to clarify the language around rules of entry. Action Item: MO to work with NKH to clear up language to restrict to family, or single guests

Round Table / Action Item Updates

  • 60th Anniversary Activities (JN)- First 60th Anniversary giveaway winners have been identified, notified, and shipments of "prizes" are underway.  Getting favorable press on social media.
  • Reviewer Corps (JN)- Several new suppliers, UK and Europe based, have agreed to ship review products to us. Review posting website issues appear to have been resolved, thanks to EA!
  • Vendor Relations - SH & JN attended a Zoom call with the leadership team for Hampton Roads.  They are asking us to support their initiative to grow industry presence and engagement at this and future National Conventions.  To that end, a letter is being drafted to go out under EBoard signature asking current and potential new (industry) convention attendees to consider a "trade show" presence as opposed to just showing up to sell kits.  This would entail bringing test shots, CAD renderings of new projects, more interaction with convention attendees, etc.  (Note:  Some current attendees do this, they are trying to drive more towards it). Concurrent with this is a Hampton suggestion that we consider sponsoring and awarding two new awards.  One for "New Product of the Year" and another for Legacy Industry Supporter.  SH has suggested that the Product of the Year could involve voting from our members once we narrow the field down to 5-10 newly released products.  The EBoard would retain the Legacy Industry Supporter award selection.
  • Convention Wrap-up (SH):
    • Lots of feedback to work on, but of note is that there are still ADA concerns. Availability of Handicap rooms, Use of raised tables restricted access to disabled & children. Looking into solutions.
    • Vendors appreciated the 9-5 hours for the Vendor Room. Teams only began to pack up at noon on Saturday when customer traffic died down. Next year Vendor name tags will be designed to be more distinguishable from the Member version, both for identification and Vendor Room Access.
    • Contest Judging went smoothly. 60% fewer judges signed up than San Marcos. We are looking into how to do judge recruitment & training- how to PowerPoint/videos. Note: It was mentioned that judging volume depends on location participation, but most of the "core" judges that come to all Nationals did attend. No complaints about model handling or breakage. The trays for sliding models not on bases worked very well.  
    • Awards show format - with a possible expansion of categories in Hampton Roads- We need to figure out how to do it quicker, effectively, using the tools available. Action Item: ETR to talk to SH & PhP about how to speed up the presentation and meet the requirements expected.
    • Effort to create a "Family Make & Take" in Hampton Roads- signage and advertising to make a learning event for Parent and Child. Set requirement that a parent stay with child during event for liability reasons.
    • Overall, excellent feedback about the Convention in general.
  • Financial Outlook (MO)- Continuing to work on the financial results from the 2024 convention. This is the most difficult and complex part of the year, as final bills from the convention, and the increases in membership complicate the financial report. It is estimated that the convention was profitable. When the convention work is complete, the IPMS/USA paid convention expense totals for the last few years will be shared. That number has grown quite a bit so we should all be aware of it going forward
  • Social Media Update (ETR)- Post Convention always has an uptick in online commentary. Post increase made moderation challenging, we are investigating the expansion of the Admin ranks by looking at "Top Contributors" list and reaching out if they would like to become Admins. Focus on providing more IPMS specific content, such as the Giveaway announcement, and other IPMS targeted messaging moving forward. Mostly the engagement online has been positive, but we have had to utilize the features within FB to make sure that participants are complying with the rules. YouTube content will be a focus of growth, and we want to make sure that we are reaching new audiences that might not be aware of IPMS.
  • Journal Update (RA)- The next journal is the Nationals issue. Shawn Hayes is the new art director, goal is to get to print by first week of September. Bunch of editors in the wings to fill in. Nats issue will be a big one - 104/8 pages (12/16 more than normal) - will be more expensive. Getting back on schedule. 
  • Promotional Materials/Recruitment (DK)-  Need to focus on new promotional materials, Working on going to events to proselytize IPMS, but need new pamphlet, right now just sending applications and magazines. YouTube/Instagram is a way to reach out to new modelers and types of members. 
  • NCC Update (PhP)- Scheduling the meeting with Head Judges in the next few months to review and revise rules moving forward and update rules for check judges and judge placement. No changes for Head Judges for Hampton Roads.
  • (ETR) IPMS/USA Mission and Vision Statements - consolidated items to be sent for review

New Business 

  • Election Notification approved, Job Descriptions to MO for election post on website
  • Looking for a way to engage more directly with Members - thoughts on making a "State of IPMS" message where we get questions in advance and have a zoom broadcast, or something similar to humanize the interaction
  • A lot of misinformation exists about how IPMS works, suggestion to have announcements/articles/posts to demystify the organization, and explain how things work "Behind the Scenes" - ie, How the Journal is created, How social media works, What the DLC/Regional Coordinators do, etc.


  • The next meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2024, via Zoom virtual connection.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 (EDT) by Phil Peterson.


These meeting minutes are submitted on 8/21 by Eugenie Taylor Ray