About the Event... Jaxcon 2017 has almost 100 categories for all types of models! The theme for 2017 (a separate special category and awards) is "Classic 1960s Sci-Fi". Our facility has a snack bar on site, plenty of free parking, and free admission for those who don't enter the contest. We have almost 10,000sqft of vendor and contest space and one of the largest raffles in the southeast! We'll be awarding 1rst, 2nd, and 3rd in the categories and have a dozen Best Ofs and Special awards too. We've been averaging over 100 entrants in the contest and @500 models on the tables. Come join us for the FUN! Event Information Event Date: February 11, 2017 - 9:00am to 6:00pm EST Location Name: UNF University CenterEvent Address: 12000 Alumni Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32224 United States Region Number: Region 11 - FloridaEvent Host: IPMS First CoastHosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): IPMS/First Coast Contact Information Contest Chairperson's Name: Gil HodgesPhone: 904-215-8108E-mail: slowhandshodges@bellsouth.net