IPMS LogoInternational Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

IPMS LogoInternational Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



About the Event...

The Baton Rouge Scale Modelers Club invites you to a scale model contest that we affectionately call the “Cajun Modelfest”. At the contest there will be a raffle, kid’s Make and Take, and Lunch/ Snacks for sale on-site and model vendors.

Every year the “Baton Rouge Scale Modelers” club picks a contest theme. The plastic scale model that best depicts the theme will win the theme award. This year’s theme is “Welcome to the Jungle”. The theme entries must depict persons or things that pertain to the jungle. Examples might be anything to do with jungle warfare, to a car with a name of an animal which resides in the jungle (puma, viper, spider), to a figure wearing jungle camouflage, to a diorama depicting a jungle. The more creative you are the better your chances are on winner the Theme award.

Our contest will be held within the beautiful college of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The best way to find our event is to use Google Maps or one of the many other GPS locators and type in the wording “Parker Coliseum at LSU”. Once you have found a map of Parker Coliseum you will notice that where “Highland Road” intersects with “Stadium Drive” Parker Coliseum has a parking lot. Once you have parked within the parking lot the building where the contest will be held is located south end of the parking lot and behind Parker Coliseum. The building name is the LSU Ag Center 4H Minifarm Building.

Event Information
Event Date: 
September 3, 2016 - 8:15am to 5:00pm EDT
LSU Ag Center 4H Minifarm Building
Event Address: 
Ag Center Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
United States
Region Number: 
Event Host: 
IPMS/Baton Rouge
Hosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): 
Contact Information
Contest Chairperson's Name: 
Sid Osterberger
(225) 776-5286
2016-brsm-flyer-trifold.pdf154.26 KB
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