IPMS LogoInternational Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

IPMS LogoInternational Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



About the Event...

IPMS Reno High Rollers 19th Annual Model Contest is held 100 yards from the ramp at Reno Stead airport, home of the fastest motor sport in the world - The Reno National Championship Air Races.

Additionally, the Great Reno Hot Air Balloon Races are also under way this same weekend. This all takes place starting the same weekend as our contest. Plus gaming, shopping, great food and super hotels. What more could a modeler (or modeler's wife) ask for? 

This year's theme is "The Great War" which is themed to feature subjects which participated in World War One over 100 years ago. Contest features two big raffles and vendor tables from around the region.


Event Information
Event Date: 
September 8, 2018 - 9:00am PDT
Desert Heights Elementary School
Event Address: 
13948 Mount Bismark Street
Reno, NV 89506
United States
Region Number: 
Event Host: 
IPMS Reno High Rollers
Hosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): 
Contact Information
Contest Chairperson's Name: 
Doug Summers
2018contestflyer.pdf946.44 KB
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