Lion Roar
1/35 WWII U.S. Military Vehicle Antenna Unit Base
For any radio-equipped U.S. WWII vehicle
Stock Number: LE35115
Reviewed By  Mark Aldrich, IPMS# 39295

[detail package image]

MSRP: $7.50

Unless you have X-ray vision, mental telepathy or know someone in the business it is often hard to know what you are getting when you buy a model kit lately. Also, sometimes it just doesn't matter. I believe this is the case with these antennas mounts.

[review image] Many months ago, I purchased a set of Armorscale mounts off Ebay while I was actually looking for some of Verlinden's Nato modern mounts. Now Lion Roar has released this set. As you can see by the photographs, there seems to be no difference between the Armorscale and Lion Roar samples. The big difference is in the quantity. With the Armorscale set you get three and the Lion Roar set you get four.

[review image] The brass Lion Roar parts are equipped with a nub on the base for easy insertion into the model and allows for a strong join. They also come equipped with a hollowed out top so all you have to do is insert your choice of antennas. They will accept rod, sprue, metal or the new carbon fiber materials and again, allow for a strong join.

These are very well detailed for the medium and require no cleanup. This is an inexpensive and easy to use hop-up for any military model that would use this style of antenna base. Now if they will only make some bent ones that are just as gorgeous.

I would like to thank Lion Roar for releasing this set, Dragon Models for providing the review sample and IPMS/USA for posting the review so other modelers can see it. Have fun, build a military vehicle kit that can use one of these neat and simple antenna bases.

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