1/48 Nakajima K1-44-II Shoki (TOJO) "China Theater"
Kit Number: 9825
Reviewed by  Ed Kinney, IPMS# 2989

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MSRP: $42.50
Distributor's website: www.dragonmodelsusa.com

This might be an old shirt, but it has a really neat, new necktie. This is a re-release of an oldie but goodie and it was a welcome reminder of what a nice kit this is. Molded in flash-free grey styrene on four main sprues (and one clear), one can see quality upon close examination.

Because this kit has been reviewed numerous times over its life span, I won’t go into major detail as to construction, which is as straightforward as can be. Not one single fit issue was encountered. Optional under-wing tanks (two styles) are included in the kit, but I elected not to use them.

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The kit decals represent a choice of two aircraft, the first being a dark green over natural metal bottom of the KOH 1st Company 85th Flight Regiment, China. The second choice, and the subject of the review, is a NMF aircraft with a green variegated pattern over the top surfaces that caught my fancy from KOH 2nd Company, 85th Flight Regiment, China. It should be stated here that the kit decals, which were used throughout, are absolutely excellent in quality, and were applied without incident using the "Micro method". Hasegawa has come a long way here compared to those contained in earlier releases. Outstanding!

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After construction was completed (with no filler of any kind necessary), the model was sprayed with the decanted contents of a Tamiya rattle can of gloss silver. Areas were then paneled with Alclad II dark and white aluminum. Tamiya interior green was applied to the control surfaces. Topsides were mottled with an old jar of Aeromaster IJN medium green (waste not, want not…). The model was over-sprayed with Alclad II clear primer coat to prepare it for decals. A brown black acrylic wash was applied, the excess removed, and Testors Dullcote applied, A slight application of chalk pastels was used as a final touch and the results are as shown in the images.

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I must state here that, after building several kits where numerous problems were the norm, it was a pleasure to build this kit. If you’re a fan of WWII Japanese Aircraft, this one should be, by all means, added to your collection. As a late news item, Hasegawa has announced the imminent release of this aircraft in 1/32 scale and I, for one, am most certainly looking forward to it.

Many thanks to Dragon Models USA for the review sample.

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