1/48 - FW-190 Doras
Sheet Number: EC#126
Reviewed by  Floyd S. Werner, Jr. IPMS# 26266

[decal package image]

MSRP: $15.00
Website: www.eagle-editions.com

Eagle Editions is a company that is synonymous with Luftwaffe research, especially the Focke Wulf FW-190D-9. This sheet is the one of a group of decals based on the new Dora book, FW-190 Dora Volume Two by Jerry Crandall.

[review image] Typical of the quality of EagleCals is the Tom Tullis artwork which is perfectly executed and a replication of the artwork in the book. The decals are printed by Cartograf which is a departure for EagleCals. This is the same decal manufacturer who does the decals for the Eduard kits. I've used them on many Eduard kits and find them to be the best decals I've ever used. Thin and in perfect register they lay down perfectly with a little bit of setting solution. I've used Solvaset, MicroSol and MicroSet with perfect results.

[review image] The instructions are on four sided pages in full color. The paper is high quality but not the shiny finish of earlier releases, rather it is a flat finish. This doesn't mean that the quality is not as good but just something I noticed. The colors are vibrant and actually easier to use as the paper doesn't reflect light.

The four aircraft on the sheet are really colorful and interesting. This particular sheet contains both the D-9 and a previously unknown D-13. The first aircraft is a Ta-152 tailed D-9, "Brown 4". This particular aircraft sports the duck egg green color on its fuselage sides. Besides its Ta-152 tail this aircraft sports a cylindrical drop tank. The upper surfaces are RLM 74/75. The lower surfaces were a mixture of natural metal, RLM 75 and 76. Strangely the one wing on the instructions is RLM 75 and the other is natural metal rear and RLM 75 front. The instructions say natural metal and RLM 75. That is up to the modeler, but the picture in the book seems to indicate that the left wing has more RLM 75 on that wing. The aircraft sports JG-26s black and white fuselage bands. All these colors make for a visually interesting aircraft.

[review image] The next aircraft is "White 13" from JG-26. This aircraft sported RLM 76/ 82 and 83. The light and dark greens make a very nice looking aircraft. This is a ‘typical' Dora from JG-26.

The third aircraft is a unique D-13. Built just prior to the famous "Yellow 10" D-13, this aircraft does not indicate what the engine cowling panels are colored as they were not visible in the photos. A word of caution, the upper wings are depicted as RLM 75/83 but the description states RLM 82/83 and the book would indicate the greens. This aircraft was painted similar to ‘Yellow 10' with a lower surface of natural metal and RLM 75/76.

[review image] The final aircraft is a D-9 but with a twist, rockets. This aircraft is ‘White 52' sports R4M rockets under the wings. The lower cowling is yellow RLM 04. The lower wings were RLM 76 and natural metal. This accompanied with the RLM 82/83 fuselage and RLM 75 and 83 wings makes this a very nice looking Dora. There is a lot of dark green mottling on the rear of the fuselage.

In addition to the individual aircraft markings, the sheet includes enough stencil decals to do one complete aircraft.

Overall this is a great addition to your Dora. I can highly recommend this set, as well as, the rest of the decals from this release. If you haven't seen the books these decals are based on then you are really missing out. A total package.

Highly recommended

Thanks to Eagle Editions for the review copy. This sheet is also available in 1/72nd and 1/32nd scale. You can obtain you copy by contacting them directly from their website. Tell them IPMS/USA sent you.