Classic Publications
2nd Tactical Air Force Volume 4:
Squadrons, Camouflage and Markings, Weapons and Tactics, 1943-1945
by  Christopher Shores & Chris Thomas
Reviewed By  Brian R. Baker, IPMS# 43146

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MSRP: $54.95
ISBN: 978-1-906537-01-2

This is the last in a series on the Royal Air Force's 2nd Tactical Air Force, which provided close support to the British Army in the last part of World War II. Originally based in England, after the Normandy Invasion the units eventually were transferred to specially constructed airstrips on the continent, where they flew bombing, strafing, and rocket-firing missions against anything that moved on the German side of the lines. The description of how these units operated in such close proximity to each other from crowded, unimproved strips makes this old pilot admire the skill of these men as they managed to take off, formate, and return to land on a single strip being used by three or four other squadrons. Although they flew fighter type aircraft, including Spitfires, Typhoons, Tempests, Mustangs, and Mosquitos, they actually did very little fighting against the Luftwaffe, but against military vehicles and trains, it was a different story. They fought up until the Germans surrendered, and stayed on as occupation forces for some time afterwards.

Although this is the fourth and last in this series, it also serves as an important work on its own, as it outlines such topics as the operational techniques and tactics used by the 2nd TAF in attacking various kind of targets and the weapons used, including guns, bombs, and rockets. The training operations are also described and explained, as these units trained for a considerable time before going on operations. Although most of these aircraft carried standard RAF camouflage and markings, some of the variations are described and illustrated, including the well-known "D-Day" stripes, which were seen on almost every type of aircraft in the ETO, the exception being four engine heavy bombers. The aircraft are well illustrated, both in photos and color profile drawings.

In addition, a digest of the operational squadrons is presented, describing their activities, bases and commanding officers. Following this are two articles written by ground crew personnel who were there and kept diaries of their activities, and this is particularly interesting reading. The book continues with some material on the German aircraft captured towards the end of the war, and how some, especially light communications types, were used by 2nd TAF units for various purposes. Photos of these types, in both German and RAF markings, are very finely reproduced, and there are even several aircraft that are shown first in German and then later in RAF markings, an added inducement to modelers. On the German side, a rundown of the order of battle of the Luftwaffe for this time period is provided. The end of the book includes the stories of the destruction of the prototype Blohm and Voss BV-238 V1 flying boat and the sinking of the German prison ship Cap Arcona by RAF fighters.

This book will be very useful to modelers and historians alike, and is worth getting even if you don't have the other three volumes. It is very interesting reading, and the illustrations are excellent and well captioned. It provides a lot of material for modelers, and explains some of the reasons why the RAF operated as it did during this part of the war. Don't miss out on this one.
Highly recommended.

Thanks to IPMS/USA and to Marie Ray, of Specialty Press, for the review copy.

The book can be ordered from Specialty Press at 1-800-895-4585, or at their website,, for $54.95. A shipping charge of $6.95 will be added to each order.