Yellow-Wings Decals

Pre-WWII 1919-42 US National Insignia

Red, White & Blue Stars Pt.1

Stock Number: 48-005

Reviewed By Floyd S. Werner, Jr., #26266

MSRP: $9.95 USD

Pre-World War II aircraft, either Army or Navy, had a variety of national insignia sizes applied dependent on the aircraft.  Until now you have been stuck with decals that were close enough, but Yellow Wings takes the guesswork out of which insignia is the proper size.

The instruction sheet is a little gem of information with an explanation of the directive used to determine the insignia size.  If that is too much information for you, Yellow Wings also gives you a listing of most common aircraft types used by the Navy and the recommended insignia size.  Of course there was deviation in the markings, but the instruction sheet even explains this.

The decal sheet itself contains 27 stars of various sizes.  Most have at least four rendering of each size, except for the 60” and the 56”, which have three decals each.  Microscale prints the decals so they will respond well with the MicroSol and MicroSet system of decal setting.  The printing is first rate, opaque, thin, and in perfect register.  The colors look like perfect matches for the Insignia Red, White and Blue.

So if you are going to be doing pre-war or early World War II US aircraft these decals are perfect for your needs.  I highly recommend these decals.

The decals can be obtained directly from Yellow Wings Decals at or through most hobby shops.  I would like to thank Yellow Wings Decals for the review copy.

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