AFV Modeller Ltd.

AIR Modeller Magazine, Issue #4

February/March 2006

Reviewed By Mike Howard, #30741

MSRP: £48.28 GBP  (6 issues)

I’d previously seen the forerunners of this issue only as a brief look through on the hobby shop magazine racks.  When this one was received for review, I realized just how much excellent modeling I’d been missing!  One major thing that stood out for me was a complete lack of advertising space.  The only time you see a particular manufacturers item featured is when a bottle of decal solvent or paint is captured in the picture of a build article or the brief section of “New Release” items.  The pages are all occupied with great build sequences, reference photos, color profiles or pictures from model shows. 

This issue contains 4 build articles, two of which are followed by excellent reference sections, a “New Release” section and some aircraft related photo coverage of the 2005 Scalemodelworld show.

The first article (the aircraft featured on the cover) follows a build of the very nice 1/72nd scale Tamiya P-47D bubbletop.  The author describes an easy to follow build sequence, supported with plenty of photos, and then goes in depth on his finish and weathering techniques.  The end result is a model that looks more like its larger scale brethren due to the fine detailing and clean build and this its almost completely an out-of-box build.  This article is complemented with 2 pages of multinational color profiles of the bubbletop Thunderbolt. 

The second article is a super detailed 1/48th Hasegawa Arado 234 “Blitz”.  This time the builder has pulled out all of the stops and multiple detailing sets to enhance an already fine kit.  Again, the build sequence is progressive and well outlined with photos to supplant the text.  Each page deserves several minutes of review to absorb the level of detail and careful build techniques that turn this kit into an incredible finished product.  I can only wish to have the time, patience and ability to turn out something of this caliber!  A 5 page reference section follows this build with lots of detail photos from a preserved/restored Arado.  Just the type of pictures that are very handy to us modeling types.

Article number 3 covers the build of a very unusual aircraft: the Arado Ar 198.  My first exposure to this plane was when I saw pictures of one from the 2005 IPMS USA nationals.  A unique looking aircraft, to say the least.  The Planet Models 1/72nd kit is the supplier for this featured aircraft. This article is more focused on the finished product and, as such, has fewer in process photos and a shorted build section in the text.

The final build article is another one that surprised me when I realized that it was a 1/72nd scale subject.  “Huey Down” features a crash scene containing the 1/72nd Italeri UH-1N that had a less than stellar landing.  A great sequence of the scratch built details is covered in photos and text (amazing work here!)  This is followed by equally well covered paint and finish sections.  The end results are something that is awe inspiring.  Definitely a “must see” for helo fans.

Several new kits and modeling accessories are well covered in the 4 page “New Release” section.  Some neat new items are seen here.

Finally a 10 page section, with great photos from the 2005 Scalemodelworld show, close out this issue.  Some very inspirational work to be seen here.

If you’re not looking for lots of adds, but want to see a lot of aircraft modeling, this magazine is definitely worth your time to check out.  Thanks to AFV Modeller for the review sample and to IPMS for the privilege of reviewing this excellent publication.

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