Part 1: In the Box...

MSRP: $74.95 USD

This kit has been patiently awaited by many Naval Aircraft buffs and if memory serves, it was voted the “most wanted kit” in 1/48th scale last year.  Well, in just the opening of the box, it appears that it was worth the wait.  This thing, for 1/48th scale, is big and beautiful.

In Trumpeter fashion, it’s molded on grey plastic runners, with nicely engraved panel lines and rivets, although the rivets appear oversized for this scale.  The two things that struck my fancy immediately were the lack of toy-like photo etched hinges and rods that I feared had become a necessity with Trumpeter… they aren't there!  AND, the kit comes with the option of folding both the wings and vertical stab, without a bunch of M. Mouse parts that won’t work after assembly! Yay! Double Yay!  Kudos, guys.  Maybe you’re getting the message.  In any case, it is crisply molded and in outline, looks very good.  Cockpit detail is somewhat on the spartan side, but not bad.  I am sure the cottage industry is already tooling something.  Control surfaces are molded separately and are positionable, but fixed once in place.

The clear parts appear well molded and are crystal clear, although there’s not much to see with the canopies closed.

The kit decals offer markings for two grey over white birds, one from RVAH-5 and RVAH-6 (USS Nimitz) and while nicely done, they aren’t particularly colorful, so…

Enter Victory Productions with a killer decal sheet giving you the options for 9… count ’em, 9 different aircraft!  Seven are grey over white birds and there is one each for a SEA 3-tone camouflage and green/grey over white.  Absolutely beautiful.

  • USS Independence – 1965
  • USS Ranger – 1968
  • USS Constellation – 1966
  • USS Kitty Hawk – 1972
  • USS Nimitz – 1976-77
  • USS Constellation 1971-72
  • USS Kitty Hawk 1967
  • USS Enterprise – 1975
  • USS Kitty Hawk – 1967

Having used their decals in the past, I have found them to be of outstanding quality and most certainly well worth adding to your stash.  Our thanks to Paul Cotcher at Victory Models for this decal sheet which is available at  ID# VPD48007 at $19.95.

Understand, that although I am a Naval Aviation buff, I am no expert on the RA-5C, but I must tell you that I really like what I see in the box.  Our thanks to Steven International for the review kit.  Now if only they have hidden the sink marks!!!  More as construction continues….

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