Attack Hobby Kits

1/144 MiG 17F

Kit Number 14401

Reviewed By Fred A. Amos, #6672

When this little jewel came to me for review, I couldn’t help but marvel at how small it was.  The box was about the size of two packs of king size cigarettes.  Inside were three gray sprues and the clear canopy.

The fuselage consists of a left and a right piece, no interior and no alignment pins.  When glued the fit was surprisingly good.  The wings were just two pieces as were the stabilizers, no top and bottom, just left and right.  There are no tabs on either part and no slots to help locate them.  Just get plenty of liquid glue on the end of the part and hold it in place till they are reasonably secure.  Allow these parts to cure for a few hours and then proceed.

As I said, there is no interior, so I just painted the inside of the canopy with some RLM 65 Light Blue and glued it to the fuselage.  Now this whole thing has taken all of about 30 minutes.

I had already decided that I would not put the landing gear under it because I felt the parts were to small for even me to handle.  After some sanding and whittling I fit the landing gear doors and washed the model for painting.  I masked the canopy with Bare Metal Foil.

After I had painted the bottom RLM 65 (the instructions call for Azure Blue but I figured that would be to harsh in 1/144 scale) I realized I had forgotten to glue the guns in place under the nose.  That taken care of I masked the bottom and painted the top FS 595 #30118 Field Drab and 34094 Dark Green.

I heated and formed a piece of clear sprue and glued it into the base of an old Airfix stand and glued the end of the sprue into the tail pipe.  Works for me.

Even though I built a few airliners in this scale this was pretty small to work with.  However the fit was pretty fair, and the decals (five sets of national markings) were very good, so all in all I would say I enjoyed the build.  Total build time was about 2 to 2-½ hours spread out over about 10 days.

Thanks to John Noack and Attack Hobby ( for supplying the review kit.  Attack kits are imported by Squadron Mail Order.

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