Eagle Editions Ltd.

1/32 Fw 190A-8 Decals

Stock Number: EC32-76, EC32-77, EC32-78

Reviewed By Howie Belkin, #16

#EC32-76 JG54 & 301, #EC32-77 JG300 & 301, #EC32-78 JG5, JG54 & 301 From Eagle Editions Ltd., $10 ea.

Each of these 3 new Eagle Editions numbers consists of two 5x8 water slide decal sheets, full color instruction sheets with historic information covering four aircraft packaged in a re-sealable poly bag.  They’ve been designed to fit Hasegawa’s recent 1/32 Fw 190 A-8 release with the “you can take it to the bank” Eagle Editions markings accuracy and dead on color registration.  Where registration is especially critical (i.e. JG54 green heart), they’ve also provided markings separated into separate colors so you have the option to align them yourselves.   

#EC32-76 has 4/JG 54 Staffelkapitan Lt. Hans Dortenmann’s “Red 1” with 2/JG 54’s red devil insignia on the cowl, and the name hasherl 1 under the canopy; “Yellow 8” of I/JG 30 with red/yellow fuselage bands; 10/JG 301 “Red 11” of Uffz. Dieter Gothel with a white/green/white fuselage band (included) and IV/JG 54 “Red 11” with blue nose and fuselage band.

#EC32-77 has colorful “Blue 13” of KG 300 Commodore Major Walter Dahl featuring a large B-17 in the crosshairs nose art; alternative markings for the famous and colorful 5./JG 300 Uffz. Ernst Schroder’s "Red 19" Kölle alaaf! / Edelgard;  "White 6" of 7./JG 300’s Lt. Gustl Salffner with cool family coat of arms; and “Yellow 17” of I/JG 301.

#EC32-78 has “small Black 10” of III/JG54 Green Heart Gruppenkommandeur Hptm Robert “Bazi” Weiss, Knight’s Cross holder; Green Heart “Yellow 2“ of 9/JG 54 with alternate chipped paint markings; “Black 9“ of I/JG 301 with JG 11’s “Strong Man“ insignia; and “Blue 8“ of 12/JG 5 Erika with JG 5 sunrise emblem.

The sample decals were in perfect register with minimal carrier film.  The only criticism is that in each decal package there’s only enough national insignia and stencils to complete one model. You can use kit or “spare” decals if you want to complete the other Fw 190 A-8s.  Eagle Editions points out where certain aircraft had different style propeller blades and sells them and other aftermarket items to build the ultimate Fw 190 A-8. I would recommend these sheets if you intend to build one.  My thanks to Judy and Jerry Crandall from Eagle Editions for the review sample.  The sheets can be seen or ordered from www.eagle-editions.comEagle Editions Ltd., P.O. Box 580, Hamilton, MT 59840, Tel: (406) 363-5415, 1-800-255-1830.

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