EagleCals EC# 52 and 53

Reviewed By Floyd S. Werner, Jr., #26266

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For builders of Luftwaffe aircraft, Eagle Editions should be no stranger.  They have continuously provided some of the best researched subjects in an innovative format.  Eagle Editions latest release comes on the heals of their great book on Major Hans “Assi” Hahn.  In the past EagleCals has provided actual reference pictures with there decal instruction sheets, not so this time.  Is that a bad thing, no.  Even if you don’t purchase the book the decal sheets provides excellent Tom Tullis art.  The instruction sheet are beautiful renderings of the drawings contained in the Assi Hahn book.  The decals themselves are wonderful.  Perfectly in register and interesting subjects.

EagleCal 52 contains  decals for four Bf-109s, two flown by Hahn and one by Siegfried Schnell and the other by Egon Mayer.  Hahn’s machines are beautiful winter camouflaged JG54 Bf-109G2s.  The artwork for Schnell’s Bf-109F-2 has got to be seen to be believed, exquisite.

EagleCal 53 is the last of Hahn’s aircraft and the sheet contains decals for four FW-190s ranging from the A-2 to the A-5 versions.  The A-2 and A-3 machines are Hahn’s with his characteristic rooster on the cowlings.  The other aircraft an A-4 of Obfw. Knappe and an A-5 “Green 13” of Obslt. Oesau are typical mid-war machines.  Oesau’s machine has some interesting tail markings too.

Each sheet gives you symbols and stencils for two aircraft.  They are very thin but still opaque.  They will react well with all types of setting solutions.

Typical quality from Eagle Editions.  Highly recommended, if not for the great aircraft depicted, then for the Tullis artwork.  Buy the book as a compliment to the decals, but if your modeling budget doesn’t allow you to then the artwork on the sheets should be beautiful and accurate enough to inspire you.

You can obtain a set directly from Eagle Editions at 1-800-255-1830 or through their website at www.eagle-editions.com.  Both sheets are available in 1/72nd and 1/48th  for $9.00.  EagleCal #52 is available in 1/32nd for $10.00, but EagleCal #53 is not available in 1/32nd.

Thanks to Eagle Editions for the review copy.
Remember to tell them you saw it in on the IPMS/USA Website! 

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