Eagle Editions

Wings of the Black Cross

Number Tow

by Jerry Crandall

Reviewed By Paul Bradley, #35554

MSRP: $17.95 USD

ISBN  0-9721060-9-X

This is the second in the Wings of the Black Cross series established by the well-known artist and historian, Jerry Crandall.  From his extensive collection and connections, he has gathered together another selection of fascinating photos of Luftwaffe fighters, often in a state of some disrepair!  The photos are generally previously unpublished and special to this volume is a pair of rare photos of Gunther Rall’s Bf109F-4 from both sides.

This is a slim tome, consisting of 36 pages of mostly black and white photos and a selection of Tom Tullis’ wonderful full-color profile paintings occupying the last four pages, including both sides of the aforementioned Rall aircraft.  The photos feature many of the Luftwaffe’s primary fighter aircraft; mostly Bf109’s and Fw190’s but with a liberal sprinkling of Me262’s, Me163’s, Bf110’s and Do335’s; along with a number of other lesser types.  They are reproduced to the highest quality on very high-quality paper stock, and are captioned with as much data as can be ascertained by Crandall’s research.

Of course, Crandall’s credentials are well known and this book is up to the high standards we have come to expect from Jerry and Eagle Editions.  For those who have an interest in Luftwaffe fighters, this is a must-have book, though those with a passing interest may be put off by the high price for such a slim volume.  However, the quality shines through and as the photos are previously unseen, I can highly recommend this book to Luftwaffe aficionados.

Eagle Editions books are available in the USA from most fine hobby stores; alternatively, check out the Eagle Editions website at www.eagle-editions.com.  You may also e-mail them at eagle@eagle-editions.com.  My thanks to Eagle Editions for supplying the review sample.

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