Mushroom Model Publications

German Air Projects 1935-1945 Vol. 1

by Marek Rys’

Reviewed By Floyd S. Werner, Jr., #26266

ISBN 83-916327-5-X

Cost: $19.95

Mushroom Model Magazine has become known for producing some fine books on various aircraft and pilots and this book is no different.  Mushroom Models’ newest series of books focuses on Luftwaffe ’46 subjects.  This is the first in a series of four books, with the first two covering fighters and the others covering bombers and special purpose aircraft.  This particular book covers fighters produced by Arado through Gotha (that’s A thru G) with the other manufacturers being covered in the next book.  It relies heavily on text, but contains many line drawings.  This sounds bad but it really isn’t.  The text is well written and explains what did and did not make it off the drawing board.  The read is easy and before you know it you are finished reading the book.  Then comes what I thought was the “neatest” part of the book the full color computer generated graphics of the author and others.  If you need inspiration to build the AMTech Ta-183, or any of the other Luftwaffe ’46 subjects out there, these graphics will definitely motivate you.  The drawings look great and feature the Ta-183, Triebflugel and my favorite drawing, the Daimler Benz Jaeger with a great looking shark mouth.

I recommend this book to anyone, but especially those who like Luftwaffe ’46 or those into strange exotic looking aircraft.

This book and others from Mushroom Models are available through any hobby shop that utilizes MMD (Squadron) distributors.

Thanks goes to Mushroom Models Publications for the review copy.  Full details for all  Mushroom’s books can be found on the company website at

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