Squadron/Signal Publications

FJ Fury: In Detail and Scale

D&S Vol. 68

By Bert Kinzey

Reviewed By Charles Landrum, #26328

80 pages with 216 Photos and drawings: 36 in color 10 color profiles
Suggested retail price: $14.95

I was excited when I saw this latest release in the long running Detail and Scale Series at my local hobby shop and snapped up the remaining copy. Volume 68 is a welcome release in the series for it covers another significant aircraft of the US Navy, the FJ Fury. The Fury series has been previously covered by Ginter Publications (in four different volumes) and in the Squadron/Signal “In Action” series. However, in his book, Bert Kinzey covers all four variants of Furies in a single volume.

As is the style with the Detail in Scale series, this book is loaded with photographs and provides extensive detailed coverage of the all of the aircraft variants. The text is kept brief, yet it is sufficient to explain the aircraft’s development and operational history. All photos are clear and the color ones are particularly striking. The book starts with an overview of the variants fielded and then looks at each variant in greater detail.

The section on the FJ-1, the straight-winged and chunky Fury, is well detailed. It includes a nice series of walk-around photos in black and white, color photos of the cockpit, and North American Aviation Drawings. The last Fury, the FJ-4 gets similar treatment, including a nice ordnance stations diagram. The FJ-2 and FJ-3 get nice coverage as well, especially the color shots of jets in service, and there are detailed walk-around photos. But what are missing for these variants are similar cockpit photos and the North American 3 view drawings (which are available). This is an unfortunate gap in coverage, especially since the FJ-3 was the most numerous airframe in the series made. The author may have been focused more on providing details for the FJ-1 and FJ-4 because there are detailed models readily available of these planes in 1/72 and 1/48.

Overall, this latest release lives up to the standard of quality we expect from the Detail and Scale series. I am glad to see the Navy aircraft of the 1950s getting more coverage. For the hobbyist it is good to see so much information in a single, reasonably priced volume. I would have liked more detail in the FJ-2 and FJ-3 sections, but then again there is no mainstream kit of this plane available either. This book is highly recommended!

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