Posted on: July 15, 2021
General discussion and action on the 2020 Nationals
- The board met, at President John Noack's request, on June 25 for a special meeting concerning the 2020 National Convention. Given the current state of the COVID-19 virus in Texas at that time, the majority of the board and Convention Chair Len Pilhofer felt that the best course was to cancel the 2020 convention and move it to 2023 at the same location. Noack, Pilhofer and Knights (acting as our legal counsel) negotiated with Embassy Suites to cancel and reschedule the convention for a cancellation fee of $10,000. Negotiations were not final at the time of this meeting and the three will continue working with Embassy Suites management to finalize arrangements and move the convention to 2023.
- A motion to pay...
Posted on: July 15, 2021
Action Items
- Marie’s contract has been renewed for another year.
- A motion was made and passed to spend $100 to sponsor a trophy pack in the upcoming Italian Nationals. (the Italy Nationals have since been canceled for 2020)
- We have formed a technology review team to look over options for updating our technology and website. Treasurer Mike Oberholtzer is chairing the effort with DLC David Lockhart, Secretary Dennis Tennant, Webmaster Eric Aitala and Office Manager Marie Van Schoonhoven as team members.
- Pres. Noack initiated a discussion about creating a new adjunct position to better support our various outreach programs with active and retired military members. The majority of the board is in favor but we need to finesse some of the...
Posted on: July 15, 2021
Action Items
- Motion made and approved to give a free year’s membership to any NEW active military or veteran membership request. This expands on our earlier, previously approved, motion to extend a free year’s membership to disabled vets. Prospective members need to provide either their current MOS or dates of service to National Office Manager Marie to get the discount. She’ll handle the coding in the database. Tennant to contact the Journal to get something included in the next issue to inform the membership. Motion made by David Lockhart and seconded by David Knights.
- Motion made and approved to provide $100 to chapters who host a Make N Take event at their shows. To qualify for the money, chapters should provide info about the event and include photos...
Posted on: July 15, 2021
Action Items
Officer/Staff Reports
John Noack, President
Phil Peterson, 1st VP
T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President
- Working with Las Vegas crew almost constantly.
- I've sent reminders to Convention Chairs Scott (Omaha) and Len (San Marcos) about their updates for the bid session and awards ceremony.
- Also, there shouldn't be any bids this year, as we've awarded the next two, since San Marcos got pushed back a year.
Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer
- We continued our positive trend again in May. Convention revenues and membership dues are both up over last year,...
Posted on: April 5, 2021
Action Items
- A motion to extend election nomination petition deadline by two weeks made by Secretary Tennant. Seconded by Treasurer Oberholtzer. Motion passed and the deadline has been extended to April 15. Members interested in running for board office must file a nomination petition with signatures by that date.
Old Action Items
- A consultant has been hired to help with work on updating our operating systems. We're aiming to unveil the new website by the end of the year or early 2021.
Officer/Staff Reports
John Noack, President
Phil Peterson, 1st VP
T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President
Posted on: March 25, 2021
- Dick Christ, President
- iHobby Expo Contest update
- club in Cleveland is leading the IPMS presence
- 50th Anniversary Celebration – inquiry to Aris Pappis regarding progress
- Steve Collins, 1st Vice President
- The Reviewer Corps has 91 active reviewers.
- 237 review items since Nov 1, on pace for about 900 reviews for the year.
- Special Thanks to Dave Morrissette and Paul Markezich for their work in making the Reviews process successful.
- Mike Ronnau, 2nd Vice President
- National Convention Update
Posted on: March 25, 2021
General Activity
- Discussion regarding the 990 IRS requirements for IPMS were conducted and are continuing.
Dick Christ, President
- Adjustments in Auto Categories will be rolled out at the Loveland Convention. Rules and Categories will be provided to Loveland within two weeks.
- The search process for a Chief Judge is ongoing and the new Chief Judge will be announced within two weeks.
Steve Collins, 1st Vice President
- Not Present
- A copy of the old IPMS/USA membership flyer that was included in model kits will be updated and sent to the manufacturers who have agreed to include it in their kits.
Mike Ronnau, 2nd Vice President