International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



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Posted on: September 22, 2023

To the Membership of IPMS/USA,

The results of this year’s officer elections and amendment referendum have been tabulated and verified and are available for your review below.  In short, all officers were running unopposed, and were confirmed by the vote.  All proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws were approved by a majority of a sufficient number of the membership, to make a valid response as required in the By-Laws.  The specific totals for each line item are included below.

The Executive Board of IPMS/USA appreciates your participation in the election process.  Your participation and feedback are critical to the success of our Society.

Posted on: September 19, 2023

Our annual national convention is one of the highlights of being a member of IPMS/USA. This year our convention was held in San Marcos, Texas, and it was a great success.

One of the key reasons modelers from all over the world attend is to take part in our national contest. This year there were over 3,100 models entered by 400 modelers in over 200 categories. While the competition is fierce, there is a strong comradery among all the modelers who participate, whether as contestants, judges, or simply as admirers of the amazing skills and talent on display.

The NCC (National Contest Committee) runs the contest with the help of the sponsoring chapter. The NCC trains and recruits the judges for contest from the entire IPMS/USA membership. There are over 300 judges. In the...

Posted on: August 23, 2023

Social media has been full of discussions regarding “IPMS judging” following this summer’s wonderful IPMS/USA National Convention in San Marcos.  These social media and IPMS Discussion Forum debates are not new; judging has always been a topic that brings out the passion in modelers. There is always fervent support on either side of whatever judging issue is being discussed.  We want you to know we are listening and appreciate and are inspired by your passion for the hobby, and any constructive feedback.

As an example, in response to feedback from the membership the Executive Board voted unanimously to swiftly address the issue of judges handling models during contest evaluation a few days ago.  This practice will no longer be allowed as a part...

Posted on: August 16, 2023

The full gallery of pictures from the IPMS/USA 2023 National Convention



Posted on: August 14, 2023

Dear Fellow IPMS/USA Members,
As a member-driven and hobby-focused organization, we greatly value feedback from our members. 
Based on your input from the 2023 National Convention, the IPMS/USA Executive Board has reached an agreement that for all future IPMS/USA National Contests.  Models will not be picked up or otherwise touched directly during the judging process for evaluation. The Board has directed the National Contest Committee to revise the rules and guidelines of the National Model Contest to ensure that this direction is clearly understood by both contestants and judges and strictly self-enforced by the judging corps.  Actions to prepare the contest area such as moving a model to a different category, moving a model...

Posted on: August 9, 2023

This is a draft version of the 2023 IPMS National Contest Awards Winners List.

Posted on: August 8, 2023

The 2023 IPMS National Contest Awards Ceremony posted on YouTube.

Posted on: July 16, 2023

These minutes reflect the discussion during the 3rd Quarter 2023 Executive Board meeting held on Sunday, July 9, 2023.


  • DL called the meeting to order at 6:03PM, CST.
  • DL requested committee reports from the IPMS/USA Office Manager, Membership and Event Sys Admin, Military & Veterans Services, and the NCC.

 Staff Reports

  • Office Manager’s Report (emailed to the board)...
Posted on: June 14, 2023

To all members of IPMS/USA, and the greater scale modeling hobby community:

Our President, Dave Lockhart, recently offered an editorial intended to emphasize the supportive partnership history of IPMS/USA within the hobby, to motivate scale modelers to consider the benefits offered by joining our organization, and to urge the membership to more fully participate in all that IPMS/USA has to offer.  Unfortunately, his choice of words clearly missed the intent, and he offered a sincere apology upon realizing the mistake.

Our hobby is rapidly growing. It’s also expanding exponentially in subject matter and technology to include a broad new generation of modelers.  We realize that messaging is generational in its nature and takes time and contemplation to fully...