Marketing team head Don Schmitz explained his team's new membership survey and what's planned for the data. The survey will attempt to get a better picture of our membership. Schmitz said Bruce Newsome is working on the survey and has tried to keep the survey short and useful. They hope to have an online version of the survey ready in the next month or so. They will send President Ron Bell a copy of the final survey questions for board input and the board will put it on the website or distribute it directly to the membership via Survey Monkey or Google forms. The next step will be for the committee to polish the survey and give Ron B. a copy for mass distribution.
Discussion continued on the possibility of including IPMS/USA membership info in...
Looking into automatic membership renewals via credit card.
Nationals presence at Modelpalooza.
The board voted to pay our CMS consultant an additional $250 bonus and will see if he is willing to serve on an hourly basis as needed for tech support.
Ron has okayed increasing our website hosting plan as suggested by Webmaster Eric.
Officer/Staff Reports
Ron Bell, President
I continued work on the membership recognition project. I've...
The IPMS/USA August meeting was held at the National Convention site prior to the State of the Society/Business meeting. More than 70 members were in attendance. Some items brought up during that meeting are included in this update.
Treasurer Mike Oberholtzer will look into the possibility of membership auto-renewal for credit card renewals. Will also look into the possibility of giving a better rate for those who do. Mike would support the concept only if a secure third-party would manage and protect member credit card info. It would also have to be an "opt in" choice with the member needing to actively request auto-renewal before it would go into effect.
Second VP Mike Van Schoonhoven asked and received the go-ahead to purchase a...
The board discussed the format of the upcoming annual business meeting at the Columbia Convention and various tasks were handed out for inclusion in the final presentation. A new format was agreed upon where the President will begin the meeting with a state of the society briefing followed by individual board members giving reports for their respective departments.
A Motion made by Pres. Bell for the IPMS/USA to be a corporate sponsor for the 2017 World Model Expo in Chicago. Seconded by Treasurer Oberholtzer. Voting was five affirmative votes (Bell, Morrissette, Oberholtzer, Pearsall and Tennant), enough to pass the motion. This is a prestigious, internationally-known model show and our $500 sponsorship will support...
The board completed answering member questions for a Region 11 club newsletter (and our Journal). Questions and board answers will be printed in the club's newsletter, the Journal and on our website.
John Shimek has officially turned over IPMS/USA treasurer records to our new Treasurer, Mike Oberholtzer, on June 6, 2016.
Mike Oberholtzer made a motion to upgrade our QuickBooks license to an online version which would improve access for board members needing it as well as providing a secure cloud storage for our financial data. DLC Noack seconded motion and it passed 7-0.
Reports of missing pages in latest Journal: Office Manager Marie Van Schoonhoven is working closely with the printer to make sure replacement copies are sent out to members who contact her. At present, a very small percentage of the membership (less than ten) has received defective copies. .
Officer/Staff Reports
Ron Bell, President
The current C&BL does not specify any minimum number of meetings nor a meeting schedule for the E-board. With the advent of electronic almost instantaneous communication, the members of the E-board are now able to interact on a daily basis, handling the routine business of the society without a formal meeting. However, it is still a good idea for the group to get...
Four board members (Bell, Morrissette, Van Schoonhoven and Shimek) conducted a 40-minute phone interview with treasurer candidate Mike Oberholtzer in late March and agree that he has the credentials necessary for the job. Following the interview and after giving the Board sufficient time to review the candidate's impressive resume, Mike Van Schoonhoven made the motion to name Mike Oberholtzer as our new treasurer with Dave Morrissette seconding the motion. The board voted 7-0 in favor and the job was offered and accepted by Mike. He will be assuming the treasurer's duties as soon as everything can be set up with the banks, etc.
A vote was taken and passed to spend $1000 on updating and providing support for the Convention Management System. Mike...
The search continues for a new treasurer. An ad about the position will appear in the next issue of the Journal and once that ad appears in the Journal, we will wait a few weeks to make sure it has been seen and then move on the candidates we have.
Following several months of discussion, the board unanimously decided to discontinue funding the Make And Take program. This decision was deemed necessary due to a number of factors including increasing costs to the Society, little or no results (i.e. new members) from the program and the fact that our main source of kits, Revell, was moving toward dropping the program based on the fact they also see this program as providing little or no return on their investment.
Continuing discussion about getting Marie Van Schoonhoven set up to do her job. The board is still working out the logistics of moving operations to Marie in Florida. We continue to sort through the IPMS/USA items in storage at MJ Kinney s house and the storage space we rent in Canton. We decided to keep Journals from the last two years and throw away/recycle/give away the rest. It was felt that since we have copies of the Journals for archival purposes, it was an unnecessary expense to continue to pay to store back issues older than two years.
New Business
President Ron Bell noted that he has one candidate for the Treasurer job but will wait until all ads have been published before moving forward.