International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



From Jim Brooks: As the club contact For IPMS CARS in Miniature Model Car Club I want to thank IPMS for all the great help we get from you.

The insurance coverage for all our events, the Make n Takes, Show and Tells and the Model Contests we hold or do, we are a very active club in all of these areas.

The Make n Take program IPMS has in effect is what the club feels is the best tool our club has to bring new members into a club meeting and hopefully join. Both adult and youth level, our family membership plan seems to be the best as it covers everyone in the family. In the last 2 1/2 years the club membership has doubled and is still growing as these new members will tell a friend, so the word gets out rather fast, we feel that this is due to the Make n Take program we follow and use. When we hold a Make n Take it gives our club members that are there helping a great chance to talk with a parent about the many benifits model building within the family as a hobby that can be done at home. This gives the parent a great way to spend some quality time with the child and turn off the TV along with the video games where the only moving body parts are the thumbs, also what we have been told by a few of our parents is the child is learning a number of things with out knowing it.

I wish that everyone at IPMS could see the face of a child when they complete a model kit at one of our Make n Take events. One of the clubs young members (a 13 year old girl) said it best when she was at our last Make n Take, which was her very first one. "Jim when I saw the look of joy on that boys face when he finisahed the kit I almost started to cry because I was helping him when he needed my help with a part. Thank you for letting me be here with the club and helping out, can I help at the next one?"

I will be the first to state that not all of the club members feel as strong as a few of us about the value of the Make n Take program and do not come out once in a while during the year, I only feel sorry for them missing the chance to see that look of joy and to hear the child and/or parent say thank you for doing this, w3hat a great program your club has.

Each time we hold a Make n Take the club members there also set up a display table with models and hand outs on it, this is when a club member will be talking to a adult and will hear "I had a car like that or my dad had a car like that or I use to build models but when I got older I stopped because it is for kids" this is when we invite the person to one of our club meetings as a guest so they can see most of us are beyond the kid age and find model building a great hobby that we enjoy to the fullest.

Again IPMS CARS in MIniature Model Car Club wants to thank you for your great help and for keeping the hobby going when other things are all high tech and have instant results not letting a person think and use their imagination.

Thank you, Jim Brooks