International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Hard to believe, but it is election time again! 2023 is the year we hold our next IPMS/USA Executive Board elections. IPMS/USA National Officers serve two year terms. IPMS/USA welcomes all members meeting the requirements of our Constitution and By-Laws to submit a nomination petition. Nomination petitions are now being accepted for all elected officer positions (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Historian/Publications Director, Recruitment/Retention Secretary, and Director of Local Chapters). Those members wishing to run for office must submit the Petition for Nomination to National Office of IPMS/USA to Marie Van Schoonhoven, our Office Manager, at or by US Mail to the address on the form by December 31, 2022. The petition form can be found on the IPMS/USA website here. Please note that the signature requirement can be met by having members in good standing email Marie their support for a nominee rather than having each one mail a signed petition. 

This year, in addition to having candidate statements and ballots printed in the Journal, we will also be emailing that information to you along with a link to our online voting system. 

Thanks for your support,

Dave Lockhart
President, IPMS/USA

[NOTE: The form below has been updated with the correct submission date of December 31, 2022.]