International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

IPMS/USA< /h1>

IPMS/USA< /h1>

Table of Contents: 
  • Hard Working Heavy Hauler - Taking the showroom shine off AMT/ERTL's Payhauler, by Tom Walker
  • Deadalean Dogfighter - Kitbashing a Hellenic Spitfire Vc with the Tamiya and ICM kits, by John Korellis
  • M60A2 - A Futuristic Failure, by Chris Bucholtz
  • MERDC Camouflage - The four-color pattern-scheme for the M60A2
  • Startling Starship - Kitbashing and scratchbuilding your way to an accurate
  • M60A2, by Brian Lockwood M60A2 Walkaround - Probably more photos than you really need or want, by John Heck
  • Flying Firebombers - Profiles of Neptune Firebombers, by Norm Filer
Journal Year: 
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