International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



About the Event...

Valleycon uses a hybrid judging system. Automotive and aircraft classes are judged using traditional IPMS style (1-2-3) judging while all other classes are done on the Open (Chicago/Gold-Silver-Bronze) System. We feature over 30 categories, including two junior and two Gundam classes. We are requesting that entrants use some sort of base to reduce the need for judges to touch the model itself. (A limited number will be available.) The contest room is very well lit and we raise the tables to make viewing easier. Contest forms will be available on the club website and we encourage entrants to use these addressable forms.

We offer almost 60 vendor spaces in a fully accessible banquet hall. Our raffle has almost a thousand dollars worth of new, sealed kits. Food is available on site from the K of C kitchen. , Entry fee is $5.00 for the first three models and $2.00 for each additional entry to a maximum of $15.00 for unlimited entries. Junior entrants, 16 and under, have no entry fee. General admission is $5.00

Event Information
Event Date: 
April 7, 2024 - 9:00am to 5:00pm EDT
Knights of Columbus Elder Council 69
Event Address: 
460 Granby Rd
Chicopee, MA 01020
United States
Region Number: 
Event Host: 
Wings & Wheels Modelers/IPMS
Hosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): 
Contact Information
Contest Chairperson's Name: 
Al LaFleche