International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



About the Event...

Main Theme: “Classic Plastic.”  Any model or entry from 1989 and earlier; must show Proof of Age; no Aftermarket items; and no Photo-etch parts. 

We will also have special awards for:

“The President’s Choice Award” will go the Best Model (as chosen by the RRM Club President.)

“Wings of the Mighty Eighth: Harold “Buck” Rigg Memorial Award” is anything related to the 8th Air Force from WWII to present and covering all aircraft to missiles.

“Bud Lindemann Car and Track Award” is for any car model representing a Hot Wheel; must have matching Hot Wheel in whether in original package or not.

“SUVs" any sports utility vehicle sponsored by Hope Contractors (all types, all scales, all eras). 

“Patton’s Cup” for any US Army or US made tank regardless of whose markings are on them, all sizes/all eras, except dioramas.

A People’s Choice Award given to an entry based on general public’s vote.

The Grand Master’s Category & Award.  We’ve created a special category for any model that has won the “Best of Class” award at any level whether local, regional National, or other modeling contest venue.  “Best of Class” meaning Best Aircraft, Best Auto, Best of Show, etc.  This category is not for those who won theme awards, special wards, or the individual category winners (typical 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place winners).  Models in this category are not eligible for any other show or contest awards; i.e. Theme, President’s Award, Best of Show, etc.  Must bring proof; i.e. trophy accompanying the entry. 

Checkout our Facebook Contest Page for up-to-date info!

FB RiverCon


Event Information
Event Date: 
March 9, 2024 - 9:00am to 5:00pm EST
LSUS University Center
Event Address: 
One University Place
Shreveport, LA 71037
United States
Region Number: 
Event Host: 
IPMS Red River Modelers
Hosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): 
Contact Information
Contest Chairperson's Name: 
Andy Bloom
riverconbrochure2024.pdf1.44 MB
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