International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



About the Event...

Modelpalooza 2019 will be held at the World Date Resort Hotel & Conference Cneter on October 18th through the 20th. New for 2019, all Military Vehicles will be judged using AMPS scoring rules. AMPS is the Armor Modeling and Preservation Society.

Word Gate Resort Hotel and Conference Center3011 Maingate Ln, Kissimmee, FL 34747

Register for rooms at the resort (use Group Code Modelpalooza) $74 per night Single/Double Rate with no Resort Fee added. Important:  note that you may sometimes find what seems like a lower rate by using Expedia or another booking agent – however you will be required to pay the $20 Resort Fee unless you book using the Modelpalooza code. You must also book your room before October 3rd to get the room block and use the code. Please call (407) 396-1400 to reserve a room or use the link provided in Registration info.

We will be having a workshop on Friday October 18th from 9am to 3pm titled " A Better Aircraft"  limited seating ,all tools , suplies and a model are provided.

Please visit our Event site for all information, including model registration, vendor tables and workshop availability. 

Event Information
Event Date: 
October 18, 2019 - 12:00am EDT to October 20, 2019 - 12:00am EDT
World Gate Resort Hotel and Conference Center
Event Address: 
3011 Maingate Lane
Kissimmee, FL 34747
United States
Region Number: 
Event Host: 
Hosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): 
Contact Information
Contest Chairperson's Name: 
Joe Cifrian
DLC Info
Only visible by the DLC.