International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



About the Event...

ModelMania is Houston, Texas's largest fine modeling show.  It is held annually in the Stafford Centre in Stafford, Texas, a suburb of Houston, Texas. Where we have a large contest room with a larger vendor room.  The vendor room has 96 tables available.  So, we have lots of vendors.

We will have door prizes and a raffle with larger prizes,  The drawing for door prizes occurrs throughout the day until the awards ceremony.  During the awards ceremony we will draw the raffle prizes. 

With the date of the contest being what it is, the theme is obvious.  Presently, we are working on the details and will provide updates here and on our webpage.  

Event Information
Event Date: 
May 4, 2024 - 9:00am to 5:00pm CDT
Stafford Centre
Event Address: 
10505 Cash Road
Stafford, TX 77477
United States
Region Number: 
Event Host: 
Hosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): 
Contact Information
Contest Chairperson's Name: 
Kenneth Jackson