About the Event... The Summer NNL will be held on Sunday August 5th 2018 from 9:00AM to 2:00PM at the Algonquin Township Building, 3702 US Highway 14, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Admission to the show is 10 bucks; you can enter unlimited models and we will serve a pizza lunch (again, no additional charge, soda extra;) to all show entrants. There will be a free “trunk sale” swap meet in our spacious parking lot, vendors and show goers are encouraged to open their trunks and sell-sell-sell rain or shine. Vendor set-up starts at 8:30AM. Also we raffle off some nice prizes. Our NNL style contest bestows “Best Of” awards as mandated by popular vote as determined by show attendees, official judging and nit-picking is strictly forbidden, praise and admiration from fellow modelers strongly encouraged. Event Information Event Date: August 5, 2018 - 8:00am to 3:00pm CDT Location Name: Douglas FisherEvent Address: Algonquin Township Building, 3702 US Highway 14 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 United States Region Number: Region 5 - MidwestEvent Host: IPMS GTR Automotive ModelersHosting IPMS/USA Chapter(s): IPMS/GTR Auto Modelers Contact Information Contest Chairperson's Name: Doug FisherPhone: 630-975-8119E-mail: kkfisher1@comcast.net AttachmentSize 2018gtrsummernnlflyer.docx54.46 KB