Strategy Planning
- The EBoard spent more than two hours engaging with Jake McKee, a strategist who has built his career connecting with online and offline communities and focusing on building brand awareness. He connected with the IPMS/USA EBoard by responding to the virtual chapter survey in January. His overall message was to identify what matters most to our members and create a mission/vision that aligns with it. He provided guidance on how to get started. He offered to reconnect with us again.
Call to Order
- This meeting was called to order on March 17, 2024, at 8:35 PM (EDT) by Phil Peterson after the Strategy Planning Session.
Agenda – Topics for Discussion
- Old Business - Action Item (AI) Updates
- New Business
- Round Table, Open Discussion
Action Items Updates
Old Business
- 60th Anniversary Recognition – JN sent a donation request via email on 3/13/24 to companies we’ve previously worked with. The team continues to meet to determine ideas for recognition. RA is creating a new logo, and ERT is working on a visual representing modeling through the decades. – AI Remains Open.
- Conflict of Interest Form – JI circulated the 2024 Conflict of Interest forms to IPMS/USA Board Members and Regional Coordinators. She created an index list to support tracking available in the IPMS/USA shared Dropbox. She sent reminders on 3/15/2024 to a brief list of members who have not returned their acknowledged forms. – AI Remains Open
- Code of Ethics for IPMS/USA Members - Draft sent to EBoard by JF on 2/19/2024. Revisions suggested by JN were posted to the IPMS/USA shared Dropbox for review and approval. – AI Remains Open
- E-Board goals for 2024-2025 – Guest Speaker provided options to EBoard. – AI Remains Open
- "Press Kit" for promoting IPMS/USA – New publication team to meet to determine content. – AI Remains Open
- Tri-Fold Brochure – The EBoard agreed to slow the creation of this brochure due to aligning with IPMS/USA's mission and vision based on the outcome of our strategy development efforts. – AI Remains Open
New Business
- Challenge Coin Proposal, submitted by Mark Sandvigen, IPMS/USA number 39440, of IPMS Eastern Carolina; the EBoard discussed options to support this proposal by utilizing the IPMS/USA website, not the store, specifically. We must be mindful not to devalue the recognition with a coin. We should consider the cost of setup and who will present these coins. PP recommended a “Design a Coin” contest to encourage participation. – AI Remains Open
- EBoard Voting Positions - IPMS/USA Chief Judge and DSM: Article II(B) of the by-laws provides the EBoard with the power to grant the DSM and Chief Judge voting rights on the EBoard. On 2/27/2024, voting rights were granted to the DSM position through EBoard email. This will be updated in the CB&L at a future date. – AI Closed
- Request for a Review of the IPMS/USA Judging Protocol, Request for a Review of the IPMS/USA Judging Protocol, submitted by Dana Mathes – SH responded requestor. SH working with NCC on revisions for “class rules.” In-progress “How to Judge” standards for Contest Class Rules inclusion. A draft will be reviewed and approved before the National Contest in July 2024. Additional activities include how judging is expected to be conducted, focusing on educating judges in a streamlined manner. SH plans to work with NCC to create YouTube videos to educate members/judges on judging the different classes. - AI Remains Open
- Meet the Board Articles for IPMS/USA Journal – Requested by PP; First response received from JN for publication. – AI Remains Open
- IPMS/USA Membership Discount - Each One/Reach One – Request to confirm this program still exists and if any content is available to members. DK confirmed it does. – AI Closed
Open Discussion
- National Contest General Update – SH reported on registration: 350 registrants, including two juniors and 190 guests, are confirmed; 354 vendor tables have been confirmed; 228 banquet tickets out of three hundred have been sold; and 252 T-shirts have been purchased. Transportation is being managed to support tours and access to the event from area hotels.
- EBoard members completed a recent visit to the venue (SH, MO, RA, JF) while attending the Mad City Modelers annual contest. SH reported a sizeable open area down a set of escalators to the vendor area, including space for SIGs and a display area for the Tiger meet. Theater seating for the Awards ceremony will be available in this same location on Saturday evening.
- A series of brief (less than 5 minutes) video “walk-throughs” of the event could be captured to raise awareness and promote the event's benefits to members who cannot participate.
- The next meeting is scheduled for April 21, 2024, including the IPMS/USA EBoard and staff. Status reports are expected to be presented.
- The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM (EDT) by Phil Peterson.
These meeting minutes are submitted on 3/24/2024 by Jessica Ivancso, IPMS/USA EBoard, Secretary.