International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present

Officers Present

Phil Peterson – President (PP)

John Noack – 1st Vice President (JN)

Len Pilhofer – 2nd Vice President (LP)

Mike Oberholtzer – Treasurer (MO)

Rob Booth – Secretary (RB)

John Figueroa – Director of Local Chapters (JF)

Ro Annis – Historian/Publications Director RA)

Officers Not Present

David Knights – Recruitment/Retention Secretary (DK)

Staff/Committee Chairs Present

Nancy Kennedy Hackney – Membership Systems (NK-H)

Marie Van Schoonhoven – Office Manager (MVS)

Steven Broughall – Military and Veterans Liaison (SB)

Eric Aitala – Webmaster (EA)

Jeff Herne – Nats 2024 Chair (JH)

Dick Engar – NCC Chair (DE)

Staff/Committee Chairs Not Present

Chris Bucholtz – Journal Editor (CB)


Meeting Minutes

Phil Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:05PM, CST.

Committee/Staff Updates

Membership System – Nancy Kennedy-Hackney

  • Working with Wisconsin team for the 2024 convention: I attend the weekly meetings
    • created vendor registration
    • created pre-registration form
    • answer questions on previous conventions
    • will work with Mark S. for badge prints
  • Created Email blasts for up coming contests
    • created 11 requests since 08/26
  • Created vendor report showing 2022/2023 & 2024 who attend which shows and how many tables they purchased
  • Took over training RC Training working with John F. on this effort
    • train first person and second one scheduled 11/20
    • will create a check agenda and post on Dropbox as a map for training
  • Clean up in Wild Apricot on going

Office Manager – Marie Van Schoonhoven

  • September/October Journal issue has been sent to the printer and will be mailed out Monday.
    • MAIL- 4773
    • FORN - 76
    • EXP - 155
  • TOTAL -    5004 - This is the largest amount since I have been Office Manager, which is since December 2015.
  • The amount or returned mail has dropped considerably, which leads me to believe that members are updating their addresses through WA on their own as I do not receive many emails, forms submitted, phone calls or requests via US mail to process them.
  • The number of Expiring memberships has cut back by at least 100 per issue since joining WA, this helps keep the cost down as we have to pay for those "This is your Last Issue" card stock pieces that go with those journals and have the renewal form on it.
  • What type of Merchandise do we want to consider ordering for our 60th Anniversary next year? And do we want to sell it on site at the National Convention? Board to consider in consultation with the Madison team.

Mil/Vet Liaison – Steve Brougham

  • Arranging an online meeting with Help Heal Vets CEO and Phil Peterson to discuss collaborating. They will pay for shipping of donated kits to their distribution location(s).
  • Steve is looking for input from local clubs on their interactions with local Veterans organizations to share information.
  • JH to introduce SB to the Midwest VA coordinator at this summer’s Madison Nats.
  • MO pointed out that NK-H can work with SB to email the membership through WA to get out information and announcements.

2024 Nats Committee Chairman – Jeff Herne

  • All planning is 100% on-track.
  • 2/3 of vendor tables are sold.
  • Release of the hotel block is on hold pending confirmation from the 6th hotel that they will be completed with construction prior to the convention. The 6th hotel will be the closest location to Monona Terrace.  JH will make the announcement when confirmed.
  • Awards, seminars, merch, etc. is all on track with the planning schedule.
  • The Madison team meets weekly on Wednesday evenings.

Website(s) – Eric Aitala

  • RB asked EA if he, or who else on the Board was directing the creation of a second Facebook page limited to members only to discuss Society related issues.  John Bonanni initiated this effort prior to stepping down, but still needs to be completed. The Board discussed the needs and reasoning, and some of the logistics required for the Facebook pages. MO suggested that JF, RA, EA and Don Schmitz collaborate and come up with recommendations to the Board for consideration. PP agreed and added that the site(s) need to stay positively focused. RA to coordinate and lead.
  • JF indicated that we have been discussing the need to appoint a Social Media Director to deal with these issues for two years, and it’s time to act. JH to take the lead and get an email sent out to the membership asking for volunteers to submit their qualifications and interests.
  • EA pointed out that website volunteers are always needed and appreciated.

NCC Committee Chairman – Dick Engar

  • The NCC is nearly complete with revising the rules for the Madison contest.
  • Categories will remain capped at 200 (including splits).
  • Phil Perry wants to continue as Chief Judge/Chair of the NCC after recovering from his current health issues.
  • MO asked DE if he had obtained the historical contest data from Eileen Persichetti for record-keeping purposes. DE indicated he had been in contact with the Persichettis and that they had been very cooperative with the transition, and that Eileen would get him that information.
  • RB asked DE how the search for new Head Class Judges was coming. DE replied that he was receiving inquiries from candidates. RB offered to help with anything DE needs to facilitate that effort. RB to meet with DE offline to assist in this.

Staff and Committee Chairs were thanked for their input and excused.


  • PP proposed we investigate doing a test sample of a digital issue of the Journal with Contest Issue. The Board discussed the plusses and minuses of the Journal being a proprietary membership benefit, and whether it should or should not be available to the public.
  • JN asked whether the future of the Journal format and distribution should be part of a bigger discussion about where the organization is headed overall, based on the suggestions in the 2030 initiative. RB briefly explained the intent and findings of the documents. It became apparent that not all the Board Members had seen the document, and asked RB to email a copy to each of the Board members. RA indicated that the Journal can be made available as a PDF file on the website and will research the logistics and coordinate with EA. The Board agreed with the effort and directed RA to proceed. The hope is it might draw new members to the website. The current hard copy issue is at the printer and will be going out in the mail this week.
  • PP proposed that we have Allen Welch take over the effort to create a tri-fold type brochure with a QR code for Society advertising purposes. The Board discussed the need for a “press kit”, and agreed that it should be investigated.
  • PP suggested that formalized committees weren’t necessary to proceed with agenda items and initiatives. The Board discussed the subject and agreed that each Board member would have the authority to proceed with accepted agenda items that they were either given leadership of or assigned, and keep the rest of the Board informed. The formation of a committee will be that officer’s decision, based on their need for support.
  • With time running short, RB suggested that the eight Board members meeting for an hour and a half to two hours once a quarter was inadequate to effectively lead the organization and push our initiatives. RB proposed that the Board meet monthly for a maximum 90 minute “working session” to facilitate more effective leadership. The Board concurred and committed to more productive meetings to promote action.
  • Action items include:
    • RB to distribute the 2030 initiative to the full board for review and consideration.
    • JF, RA and RB to work on assembling an Ethics group to provide leadership and direction towards that end.
    • JF to work on drafting and distributing a call for volunteers to lead and work on a Social Media team for IPMS/USA.
    • RB to work with DE to help with anything he needs to keep the NCC on track.
    • RA to work with CB regarding finding a succession candidate for John Heck at the Journal. They will canvass the membership for graphics and publication volunteers.

PP closed the meeting at 8:10PM, CST.The Board will meet next in a working session on December 10, 2023, at 6:00PM. CST.

The next quarterly formal meeting of the IPMS/USA Executive Board is scheduled for Sunday, January 14, 2024, at 6:00PM, CST.

Submitted by Rob Booth on 11/19/23.