International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Dave Lockhart – President (DL)
  • Phil Peterson - 1st VP (PP)
  • John Bonanni - 2nd VP (JB)
  • John Figueroa – Director of Local Chapters (JF)
  • Rob Booth – Secretary (RB)
  • Ro Annis - Historian/Publications Director (RA)
  • Mike Oberholtzer – Treasurer (MO)
  • David Knights - Recruitment and Retention Secretary (DK)

These minutes reflect the discussion during a Special Session Executive Board meeting held on Thursday, June 8, 2023.


  • DL called the meeting to order at 7:09PM, CDT.
  • DL addressed the Board regarding his President’s Message published in the March/April 2023 Journal.  DL expressed his sincere apology to the Board and to the full membership of the Society for his poor choice of wording in the message.
  • The Board expressed concern that the piece had considerably damaged efforts by the Board and other members to extend a welcoming message from the IPMS/USA to hobbyists to consider joining and current members to continue to be a part of an open, diverse, and inclusive community of scale modelers.  Discussion continued about that new messaging, and efforts to amend the C&BL to ensure its foundational place within the Society.
  • DL expressed his commitment and desire to fully participate in that effort moving forward with the Board for the rest of our terms of office.
  • The Board unanimously expressed support for DL in that effort.
  • Discussion continued regarding reinforcing the full Board’s commitment to be welcoming to all scale modelers participation in IPMS/USA’s new direction and continued improvement of the membership experience.
  • RB & DK will draft a statement from the Executive Board to the membership and the hobby community to address the Journal Message and reinforce our full commitment to be a welcoming, open, inclusive, and diverse community for all scale modelers.
  • The Board will discuss and prepare a proposed action agenda to steer the organization in this direction during the next term at the Quarterly Meeting in July.  We’ll present it to the membership prior to the convention in August for consideration and discussion along with the proposed amendments to the C&BLs.
  • DL thanked the Board for their support, and adjourned the meeting at 8:06PM CDT.

The next quarterly meeting of the IPMS/USA Executive Board will be held via Zoom on Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 6:00PM CST.  The membership is encouraged to provide input or feedback at

Submitted by Rob Booth - Secretary-IPMS/USA
