These minutes reflect the discussion during the 3rd Quarter 2023 Executive Board meeting held on Sunday, July 9, 2023.
- DL called the meeting to order at 6:03PM, CST.
- DL requested committee reports from the IPMS/USA Office Manager, Membership and Event Sys Admin, Military & Veterans Services, and the NCC.
Staff Reports
- Office Manager’s Report (emailed to the board)
- The May/June Journal should be arriving in the members mailboxes any day now.
- There was a total of 4863 Journals mailed out. US and Puerto Rico totaled 4,571, Foreign 113 and 179 were expiring members that received Final Issue notices with their copy.
- To date, I have received 3 mail-in ballots for the C & BL. I will keep track of these on a spreadsheet to also be able to compare that a vote was not also done online.
- I received and will have on hand blank ballots for the EBoard election for those who have not yet voted. I will have a ballot box at the IPMS/USA National table for them to be dropped in during the convention and will be locked up each evening.
- Member & Event Systems Administrator
- NH-K is working with MO to set up a polling/survey system for convention feedback. MO and JB indicated it may need to be a hybrid system with Google. Formatting discussion is ongoing.
- Everything is all set for registration at Nats 2023.
- Military & Veterans Services
- Working with a veterans’ assistance group in California to coordinate model distribution. DL to forward the IPMS/USA trifold file for SB to use. Working to forward SB’s info to chapter contacts to coordinate model donations.
Committee Reports
- National Contest Committee – Mark Persichetti – Chairman
- MP indicated forthcoming changes to some of the NCC’s Head Class Judges:
- David Dowd is retiring as Head Figures judge. Frank Landrus is nominated as his replacement.
- Dick Engar will continue as Head Auto Judge in 2023 and is training Andrew Brezinski as a possible future Head Auto Judge.
- Dave Kahn will be training Mike Tsoumpas for a possible replacement for him as Head Military Vehicles Judge.
- Ed Grune will be retiring as Head Ships Judge after 2023. Steve Lau is recommended as a replacement.
- MP is retiring as Head Contest judge after the San Marcos convention. He is proposing Phil Perry, current Head Miscellaneous judge to take over for him going forward. Phil will be nominating one of his Miscellaneous Class team leaders to take over for him.
- JB indicated that the EBoard would like to visit with these folks during the convention prior to approval of their appointment. MP suggested that we do this at the NCC meeting on Saturday.
- Eileen Persichetti will be handling the data recording team for the contest this year. Volunteers will be needed to help with this effort.
- IPMS/USA 2023 National Convention Committee – Len Pilhofer – Chairman
- Len was not available for the Board meeting, however, reports that all plans are on track for a successful convention. A final email update is forthcoming through the Wild Apricot system.
- MP, SB and NK-H were excused from the meeting.
Executive Board Reports and Business Discussions
- President’s Report and Discussions
- DL will forward his Journal articles to the Board for review prior to submitting to the editor.
- DL asked the Board to consider ways to celebrate the IPMS/USA 60th Anniversary at next year’s convention in Madison. Possibilities suggested include pins, challenge coins, t-shirts, etc. Maybe a special 60th Anniversary award.
- DL indicated IPMS would be receiving a gift from Ralph Forehand’s estate to establish a Scholarship in his name. DL to consult with the family on specifics and report back to the Board. DL will investigate setting up a committee to handle this and future scholarship donations.
- DL indicated the IPMS/USA needs to establish a relationship with an insurance carrier that is better able to meet our growth needs.
- DL indicated a need to update the staff info in the Journal and website.
- Dl asked that the Board please be visible to the membership at the Nats in San Marcos. Ro is the only board member unable to attend this year.
- Jeff Herne from the 2024 Nats team requested that the Board consider approving a PODS (or similar) container to ship and store (non-climate sensitive) convention materials and equipment from San Marcos to Madison, and then to future venues as appropriate. All approved as an excellent idea and that JB and the 2023 and 2024 teams coordinate to make it happen.
- DL suggested that the Board consider what the appropriate “split” of convention proceeds with the host committee groups should be in the future. With the national organization picking up a larger share of the planning and execution workload and all associated financial risk, the proceed distribution needs to be evaluated more closely. Such distributions need to be addressed in the Convention Committee’s Charter. NCSC to discuss further at their next committee meeting and report back to the Board.
- 1st Vice President’s Report and Discussions
- Total of 217 reviews published in 2023 so far. Looking for some more folks to help with postings.
- Reached out to Round 2 recently to ask for new releases to review.
- 2nd Vice President’s Report and Discussions
- The NCSC meetings have been on temporary hold due to issues with the 2024 venue, and JB’s workloads. Meetings and planning will proceed full speed after getting together at the San Marcos Nats.
- JB has received one firm and one tentative proposal for the 2025 Nats. Presentations are scheduled for Saturday morning at the Nats.
- JB is rotating off the board as 2nd VP for the next term. The Board asked JB to consider putting together a proposed charter for a Social Media and Engagement committee of which he might serve as the initial Chair. A quorum isn’t present, so this issue to be discussed further at the next board meeting in San Marcos.
- Treasurer’s Report and Discussions
- MO indicated that the June Financial report is not yet complete.
- The 2023 Convention financials are doing well.
- Voting is coming along well. As of meeting time there were 270 votes cast for the elections, and about 230 votes on the C&BL amendments.
- Director of Local Chapter’s Report and Discussions
- JF reported that the current R8 RC will be stepping down due to health issues. JF will assume the role temporarily.
- JF is working with potential Chapters from Brazil and Monterrey, Mexico for chartering. Monterrey requested that they be a part of R6.
- The IPMS/USA Achievement Awards are set and ready for the Nats in San Marcos.
- Publications Director/Historian’s Reports and Discussion
- RA reports that the May/June issue is in the mail, and the July/August issue is close to sending to the printers, which will get the Journal distribution back on schedule.
- Secretary’s Report and Discussion
- RB proposed a slate of commitments and goals for the incoming Executive Board based on feedback received from members and potential members over the last 6 weeks or so. The Board will review the slate and be prepared to discuss with the membership in San Marcos.
- Revisit, re-establish, reinforce and maintain continuous improvement of the value package available through an IPMS/USA membership.
- o Develop and maintain a positive, engaging message to welcome modelers of all ages and subject matter to participate in all that IPMS/USA has to offer, now, and into the future.
- Reach out to under-represented modeling genres and encourage their active participation and role in the future of IPMS/USA.
- Encourage collaboration with other international branches of IPMS and other hobby organizations to promote and spread a consistent welcoming message to scale modelers around the world.
Action Items:
- Possible rebranding to coincide with the new message.
- Explore “best practices” from other hobby organizations.
- Strengthen the content and presence of the IPMS/USA Reviewer Corps and increase participation with kit and materials manufacturers.
- o Work closely with the NCSC to develop strategic plans for continuous improvement and the future of the IPMS/USA National Convention.
- Work with the DLC and RCs to strengthen support for Reginal Conventions that offer a “mini-Nats” event for those who can’t attend the Nats that year.
- o Work with the NCC to set up exploratory committees composed of diverse members to examine our judging criteria, protocols and training, and recommend any needed overhauls.
- o Solicit feedback from inside and outside the Society on how the organization can be more valuable to the individual member and funnel practical information to action committees.
- o Develop charter language and leadership candidates for the following Exploratory Committees.
- IPMS/USA Strategic Planning Committee
- Social Engagement Committee
- Industry Relations Committee
- Modeling Education Committee
- RB requested the Board to approve making a free one-year membership available to the Scale Model Podcast for promotional purposes. The Board approved.
- IPMS has been approached by another organization to sponsor a trophy package for their show. The board tabled a decision on the matter pending further discussion and establishing a precedent policy for such things.
- RB noted that the board has a pending action item regarding insurance proposals for the society. DL to address.
- RB questioned whether the IPMS Forum website is still a viable discussion vehicle for the Society. Regular participation seems to be limited to a relatively small group, and the webspace might be put to better use. Discussion suggested the idea could be studied. Further discussion tabled to the next meeting.
- DL adjourned the meeting at 7:45PM CST.
The next quarterly meeting of the IPMS/USA Executive Board will be held at the National Convention on Saturday morning. The membership is encouraged to attend and/or provide input or feedback at
Submitted by Rob Booth - Secretary-IPMS/USA