These minutes reflect the discussion during the 2nd Quarter 2023 Executive Board meeting held on Sunday, April 16, 2023.
- DL called the meeting to order at 6:01PM, CST.
- DL requested committee reports from the Membership System Consultant (NK-H), IPMS/USA Office Manager (MVS), Nats 2023 Chair (LP), and NCC Chair (MP).
Staff/Committee Reports
- Membership System Consultant (NK-H)
- Working with MO & Dick Montgomery on the registration for Nats 2023, and Stan Spooner on the Vendors. All is proceeding well.
- LP confirmed that there is a waitlist for vendors, so far all have been accommodated.
- Office Manager’s Report (MVS)
- Waiting on John Heck for the files for the March/April Journal.
- Membership is “booming” with renewals and new members.
- Many folks re-joining from up to ten years past in anticipation of this year’s Nats.
- DL asked MVS to confirm that the E-Board ballots will be available in the May/June Journal, sent out via MyIPMSUSA (W/A), and some hard copies will be available at the Nats in San Marcos (confirmed). Deadline for ballots is September 1, 2023 (postmarked).
- DL confirmed that MVS’s contract as OM has been renewed.
- Military/Veterans Liaison - Steve Broughall
- SB is working with Help Heal Vets (, a 501c3), taking over for the “Models for Troops” program. They take care of the shipping costs to receive kits from us.
- SB asked that we include info on this and the organization in the Journal for members to use.
- DL indicated we would send them some IPMS/USA quad-fold brochures when available.
- IPMS/USA 2023 National Convention Committee – Len Pilhofer – Chairman
- Plans are going well.
- Some current numbers (as of 4/15/23):
- Total Registrations (incl vendors) 618 (24 International)
- Total Banquet Sales (of 315) 201
- Total T-Shirt Sales 213
- Total Hat Sales 33
- Total Addl. Pins Sold 65
- Nimitz Tour Sold (of 54) 25 (46%)
- Lewis Tours Sold (of 40) 40 (sold out)
- Grex Workshops (of 30) 15 (50%)
- Andrea Workshop (of 10) 10 (sold out)
- R. Lawler Diorama Workshops (of 30) 30 (sold out)
- The Nimitz tour is not selling as well as anticipated, so we’re dropping the second bus coach reservation, and limiting the tour to 54 people.
- All workshops are selling well, a confirmation of the “Come and Make It” emphasis of the convention.
- Reviewed the convention center floor plan and table layouts. LP confirmed 255 contest tables (5,100 sf) and 320 vendor tables (6,400 sf).
- LP asked RA about ad space in the Journal, and RA confirmed that it will be on the back cover. They will coordinate offline.
- Nats 2023 set-up staff will be on site on Monday 7/31/23.
- LP confirmed that there will be overnight, armed, uniformed TxDPS security guards on site to secure the vendor/convention areas.
- The Nats 2023 report was concluded, and LP excused himself from the meeting.
- MVS, NK-H and SB were also excused.
- National Contest Committee – Mark Persichetti – Chairman
- RB confirmed to MP that the NCC’s comments on the proposed amendments to the 2017 C&BL had been received and distributed to the EB.
- MP solicited all the NCC head class judges for definitions of the categories in their classes. Those will be published on the IPMS/USA website’s NCC pages, instead of adding that considerable amount of info to the published rules and categories documents.
- MP requested that Dana Mathes be asked to contact him and work with him on combining and updating the IPMS/USA Competition Handbook and the IPMS/USA Modeler’s Guide to IPMS Contests. RB to coordinate a Zoom session towards that end after the convention this summer. MP confirmed that no changes to the current NCC protocols will be in effect at the 2023 National Contest.
- The NCC report concluded, and MP excused himself from the meeting.
- C&BL Review Committee
- RB to present this info during his report.
Executive Board Reports and Business Discussions
- President’s Report and Discussions
- Action Items from Previous Meetings
- JB confirmed that IPMS/USA Little Rock member Alex Silvia is working with the NCSC to target the Gundam/Gunpla/Sci-Fi communities to publicize the 2023 and 2024 Nats for participation. DL and other E-Board members reinforced the need to reach out and interact with these modeling communities, especially with younger family members of IPMS/USA. All members remarked noticing an increase in participation at local shows as well.
- JB confirmed that we’ve received some positive feedback from Marriott, Hilton and Hyatt groups for long-term planning for future national conventions.
- DL queried the Board regarding the date spectrum (June – August?) for holding the National Convention. Discussion confirmed that that info was a part of the National Convention Operating Parameters. RB & JB to review at the next NCSC meeting, and report back to the Board. JB encouraged any interested parties to reach out to him to inquire and begin the process of researching and assembling bid proposals for future National Conventions.
- RA indicated that we are still in discussions with Sprue Brothers to provide cross-promotion with IPMS/USA via website and packaging inserts. DL commented that we also get a lot of exposure from Fine Scale Modeler, particularly in their “Great Scale Modeling” issue.
- DL asked that the Board maintain the visibility that we had at last year’s Nats.
- DL commented that the existing Board will be returning for a second term, with the exception of JB, and that we will miss his input. DL expressed that we need to look forward to what our goals for the 2023-2024 period will be.
- 1st Vice President’s Report and Discussions
- Still working on cleaning up the roster for the Reviewer Corps.
- Posting is somewhat slowed for now until Dick Montgomery can get back on board after the Nats.
- Lots of interest from the corps for new kits announced by several manufacturers.
- 2nd Vice President’s Report and Discussions
- JB expressed that 2023 is shaping up to be an epic event. Many famous international modelers are planning to attend and offer demos and workshops in session, and in conjunction with vendor sponsors.
- Another hotel has been added to the overflow locations and will be on the shuttle bus route. Shuttles will be added as a requirement for future conventions with overflow hotels.
- JB has been in constant contact with the venue for the 2024 event. Through extensive review by several individuals, we needed to address several ambiguities in the document. We hope to finalize the contract by the end of April.
- JB will forward a draft of the RFP document for future National Conventions to the Board for review and comment by the end of April. The emphasis is providing a framework to allow more groups to bid on and hold a Nats.
- JB suggested that the board and the membership in general provide feedback on what can be done to make the Awards Ceremony more efficient and entertaining.
- Treasurer’s Report and Discussions
- Financial statements are available online.
- Financials are in great shape and nothing unexpected at this time
- Director of Local Chapters Report and Discussions
- 2023 Chapter Rechartering
- As of April 14, 2023, we have 209 of 214 (97.7%) IPMS Chapters fully rechartered.
- An additional 2 Chapters have paid the rechartering fee but have not yet met all rechartering requirements (i.e., payment of fee, minimum member requirement and updated chapter profile).
- Newly Chartered Chapters
- Ad Astra Modeling Club (Topeka, KS)
- Shenandoah Valley Modelers (Stephens City, VA)
- Appalachian Scale Modelers' Association (Johnson City, TN)
- Reactivated Chapters
- Lafayette Scale Modelers (Fayetteville, NC)
- Lapsed during COVID.
- Rechartered in March 2023.
- Document Development and status
- Regional Coordinator Job Description
- Document complete.
- Distributed to RC on 14 April 2023.
- Chapter Contact Job Description
- Document complete.
- Distributed to CCs on 14 April 2023.
- IPMS/USA Annual Achievement Awards
- Document Complete.
- Will be posted to the IPMS/USA webpage once current award cycle is complete.
- Nominees for this year to be forwarded to the board later this week.
- Regional Coordinators
- Joe Porche stepped down as Region 8 Coordinator on February 28, 2023.
- John Figueroa acting R8C as of February 28, 2023.
- Email sent to all Region 8 IPMS Members soliciting interest in filling the R8C position.
- No interest as of April 14, 2023.
- Dave Schwab steps down as Region 1 Coordinator on May 1, 2023.
- Mark Norman approved as R1C effective May 1, 2023.
- DL requested that 50 yr. members receive acknowledgement in the Journal.
- Publications Director/Historian’s Reports and Discussion
- RA said staff is really pushing to get the Journal back on schedule.
- Journal staff is seeking volunteer help to speed things up. May be looking for interns for help.
- The last issue had a wide spectrum of interests included. RA encouraged all IPMS/USA members to contribute content: articles, letters to the editor, chapter news and photos, etc..
- Recruitment/Retention Director
- Secretary’s Report and Discussion
- RB reported that the C&BL Review Committee completed their review today, submitted their recommendations for review by the E-Board
- RB led a brief review of the document revisions and proposed ballot.
- RB to forward the final draft for review this week and the Board will hold a special session next Sunday, 4/23 to discuss and finalize the document for submission to the membership for review and approval. The document, along with a ballot will then be published in the May/June Journal and on the website for the membership to act on. The membership will have the ability to approve the document in its entirety, or they may vote on each amendment individually.
- RB proposed that additional discussion on the NCC Charter approval and C&BL Commentary be deferred to a special meeting for the Board to have more time to consider, as time is running short to discuss tonight. The special meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 22, 2023 @ 4:00PM, CDT.
- PP recommended that the Board draft a statement of approval to precede the published document in the Journal and other media. RB agreed to provide a draft for review.
- DL adjourned the meeting at 7:45PM CST.
The 3rd QTR meeting of the IPMS/USA Executive Board will be held via Zoom on Sunday, July 9, 2023, at 6:00PM CST. The membership is encouraged to provide input or feedback at
Submitted by Rob Booth - Secretary-IPMS/USA