International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Dave Lockhart - President
  • Phil Peterson - 1st VP
  • John Bonanni - 2nd VP
  • Rob Booth - Secretary
  • Mike Oberholtzer - Treasurer
  • Jeff Neal - Director of Local Chapters
  • Ro Annis - Historian/Publications Director
  • David Knights - Recruitment and Retention Secretary
  • Marie Van Schoonhoven - Office Manager *

* = Non-voting staff or Guest


Officer/Staff Reports 

Dave Lockhart – President

  • DL called the Zoom meeting to order at 7:23PM, EDT
  • DL requested a tally of which Executive Board members will be attending the National Convention in Omaha this summer.  All board members confirmed that they will be in attendance.  PP will help with judging, and RB, JB and DL will be assisting Eileen Persichetti with data entry for the contest.
  • DL confirmed that IPMS/USA insurance coverage is in place for the event.  RB and DL will pursue proposals from other firms for renewal of the insurance package after the Nats.  DK to review proposals/coverage as we get them.
  • DL confirmed that IPMS/USA will be sponsoring snacks and drinks for the judges during the contest judging Friday night.
  • DL reviewed E-Board activities scheduled for the Nats.

Phil Peterson – 1st Vice President

  • PP indicated that the Ukraine situation is still affecting our acquisition of review items from hobby firms in that area.  ICM has sent some items.
  • The Reviewer Corps is always looking for additional contributors.  We have more reviewers than last year at this time, but fewer items coming in for review.
  • Planning to have a 6’ display table for the RC at the Omaha Convention.
  • PP to confirm the location for the manufacturers appreciation dinner in Omaha.
  • PP confirmed there will be a Reviewer Corps get together on Saturday afternoon at the Nats.  Time and location TBD.  Check the schedule boards during the Convention.
  • JB and DK were requested to publicize the Reviewer Corps on their podcasts and request some of the new and smaller manufacturers send in samples for review.

John Bonanni – 2nd Vice President

  • JB indicates that plans for Omaha are proceeding smoothly.  Current numbers indicate about 667 registrants (incl vendors).
  • Vendor tables are sold out.
  • Some international vendors are confirmed to attend.
  • JB confirmed a proposal to host the 2024 Nats has been received and reviewed, and that more teams are working on submissions for 2025 at next year’s Convention.
  • JB indicated there were some late-breaking changes to the contest team for this year. Eileen will need some assistance with data entry. Three members of the Eboard will support data entry along with other volunteers from the membership. Additionally, two of the head class judges are unable to attend. Richard Engar will be subbing in on Autos for Doc Maydak and Steve Andreamo and Mike Petty will co-chair the Armor class for Dave Kahn.
  • JB identified a need to establish coordination meetings between the NCC and the NCSC along with some other protocols between the two committees. JB will connect with the NCC Chief Judge at the National Convention to discuss next steps.
  • JB indicated that the NCSC is connecting with leaders from well-known international shows (Scale Model World, World Model Expo, and Moson) to understand best practices and explore aspects of the show that will increase the attendee experience. Work on that will be expedited after Omaha and codified in NCSC operating documents.
  • There will be two opportunities for attendees to interact with the podcast teams in attendance.  An informal get together will be Wednesday evening in the Embassy Suites atrium, and a seminar round-table on Thursday from 4-5:30.

Mike Oberholtzer – Treasurer

  • May financial reports done.  All looks good.  Convention revenue is coming in well and ahead of typical schedule.  Convention expenses are starting to come in now.
  • Electronic payment technology is ready and available for the Omaha Nats registration.
  • Board members are requested to help out at the registration area when they can.

Rob Booth - Secretary

  • RB finishing up the Power Point presentation for the business meeting at the Nats.  Final draft will be submitted for board review this week.
  • RB, JB, PP, DK and DL are still working on the Constitution and By-Laws review and update.  90% of the work is complete, but RB and JB are continuing work to coordinate revisions to language that affects the National Convention and Contest, NCSC Charter, etc.  When completed, we will post a link to the proposed revisions on the IPMS/USA website for members to review prior to voting on the changes.
  • RB suggested that the membership be encouraged to make comments and suggestions for C & BL revisions at the Nats.  RB will make himself available at all times for such discussions.
  • RB and JB are attending the IPMS/UK National in Telford, UK this November (at their own expense).
  • RB has begun corresponding with IPMS Canada, Mexico and UK to extend an invite for their members to our Nats, and to reach out for information on how they run their respective shows to see if there is anything we can learn from them.

Jeff Neal – Director of Local Chapters

  • JN continuing to pursue chapters that are delinquent in updating renewals and chapter dues.  Those chapters will be notified after the Nats that their status will be made inactive, if not made current.
  • There are 15 new junior members since last meeting.
  • JN considering promoting a “just one more” program.  If each member recruited just one modeler, the Society’s membership would double.  Members are reminded that for each new member they recruit, they receive a 2-month membership extension.  DL and JN will discuss more after the Nats.

Ro Annis - Historian/Publications Director

  • Journal staff is continuing to work hard to keep things on schedule and is currently just slightly behind and gaining.  Current Journal came out in second month of the issue.  Advertising is doing well.
  • RA is continuing to accumulate and scan previous IPMS/USA publications for archiving online.  Most of the previous publications are now in hand.
  • Board members are forwarding short bios to be included in the front of each Journal.
  • MO suggested to RA that we explore use of the new vectored logo for application to merchandise available for the membership on the IPMS/USA website store.

David Knights - Recruitment and Retention Secretary

  • DK asked that any member eligible for 25 and 50 yr membership pins attending the Nats who has not already done so, to please let him know so he can be sure have those available for you at the awards ceremony.
  • DK to forward tri-fold brochure copy to DL and RA for approval.

Marie Van Schoonhoven - National Office Manager

  • Marie is having to correct a lot of membership information entered in Wild Apricot.  About ten Journals are being returned each week when address forwarding doesn’t work and require additional magazines (USPS only returns cover and address label) and address updates to correct.  It’s not a small requirement of time and money.  Board is to brainstorm on ideas to reduce this situation.

The Executive Board will meet with the membership at the IPMS/USA National Convention on Saturday, July 23, 2022, 9:00AM in the Gatsby Room of the convention center.

The next quarterly meeting of the IPMS/USA Executive Board will be held via Zoom on Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 6:00PM CDT.

Dave Lockhart adjourned the meeting at 8:32 PM EDT.

Submitted by Rob Booth - Secretary-IPMS/USA
