Action Items
- A motion to extend election nomination petition deadline by two weeks made by Secretary Tennant. Seconded by Treasurer Oberholtzer. Motion passed and the deadline has been extended to April 15. Members interested in running for board office must file a nomination petition with signatures by that date.
Old Action Items
- A consultant has been hired to help with work on updating our operating systems. We're aiming to unveil the new website by the end of the year or early 2021.
Officer/Staff Reports
John Noack, President
Phil Peterson, 1st VP
T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President
- Las Vegas NatCon planning is continuing: the Rio has booked over 3000 room nights. Preparations have been made for pre-registration to go live April 1st. COVID restrictions seem to be easing, allowing at least a "near-normal" event this year.
Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer
- February showed improvement over January. We essentially broke even for the month with net revenue of $65 vs. a loss of $8,400 in January. There were no significant financial items to report for February. We continue to make progress reviewing the Wild Apricot membership system. Meetings with two potential consultants to help with configuration and setup are scheduled for later this week. The goal is to choose a consultant to move forward with and begin configuring the system to meet our needs.
Dennis Tennant, Secretary
- I have posted notices about the upcoming board elections on the webpage and forum as well as answered several inquiries about what my job as secretary involves. It's heartening to see members willing to step up and take a leadership role.
- All Conflict of Interest forms have been collected for the 2020 tax year.
David Lockhart, DLC
- 133 chapters have completed their chapter renewal. 89 chapters to go
- More clubs are having shows now - no issues getting their insurance certificates
- Collecting nominations for the 2021 regional and national awards
Ro Annis, Historian/Publication Dir.
- IPMS USA Journal Invoices: Invoices are sent out to advertisers right after the magazine reaches the members. 32J1 Jan/Feb went out late and was only this week received by the membership, so invoices for 32J1 Jan/Feb will go out next week. All advertisers are paid up, except one, I am sure they will settle out during the upcoming round of invoices. The invoicing process has been pretty much worked out over the last year and is now running smoothly. My plan is to begin contacting new manufacturers in the hope that they will run an ad in the Journal.
- IPMS USA Journal: Unfortunately the 32J6 Nov/Dec Journal was late last year, this impacted the 33J1 Jan/Feb so that it was late as well. I know that both Chris Bucholtz and John Heck are working like mad to get it back on schedule. The realization that these two are on the hook for so much has made me realize that we need to start looking for others to help out. I'll need to talk to both of them and figure out their specific thoughts on this. At the moment I think I will be able to help John with articles. I have been talking to someone else who also may be able to lighten this load. Building the articles for the magazine requires a deep understanding of InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop (all Adobe Suite products). I have no idea who else in our membership has these particular skills and will want to help.
- Addressing the rolling changes to the IPMS USA Journal:
- SWAG PAGE: Readers have been asked in the last issue (on the Swag page) to send in pics of them wearing their IPMS gear. If I can get any response, suitable pics will go here to augment the page.
- FACEBOOK: John has been sending me articles as they get done so I can preview the Journal here. This is an ongoing process in which I am (hopefully) learning what the best way to post will be in order to promote the Journal. FaceBook is still woefully underutilized by the IPMS.
- ARTICLE CONTRIBUTIONS: I have begun to ask specific people and the membership in general to write articles for the magazine. So far the response has been good. I think that a more reliable pipeline of content can be created. It is important that the IPMS better promote what its needs are to the membership.
- ARTICLE SWAPS: I have gotten no response from any of my queries thus far. I must be like the water that slowly wears down the stone. I am looking through our old Quarterlies and Updates and thinking of possible reprints here. I am open to any ideas.
- I am happy to report that working with both Chris Bucholtz and John Heck is all rainbows and unicorns. I know now how much of their time they invest into each issue. Improvements are being slid into the Journal as quickly as they have bandwidth to deal with.
- Historian: Not much to report here. I still need to acquire the digital files of old IPMS content from Jim Pearsall's estate. The plan is to then crowdsource any gaps from the membership.
Marie Van Schoonhoven, National Office Manager
- Jan/Feb Journals were mailed out to 3642 active members
- Jan 2021 had 31 new members
- Feb 2021 will provide you with the number of new members separately, still tallying those up
- Mail is coming in very slow, then when it does I am hit with a lot, seems to be COVID related
- Working on submission for Event Insurance, unfortunately since COVID communicable diseases are no longer covered
Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary