International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • John Noack (President)
  • Phil Peterson (1st VP)
  • T.J Misiolek (2nd VP)
  • Dennis Tennant (Secretary)
  • Mike Oberholtzer (Treasurer)
  • David Lockhart (DLC)
  • Jim Pearsall (Historian/Publication Director)
  • David Knights (Recruitment and Retention Secretary)
  • Marie Van Schoonhoven (Office Manager) *

* = Non-voting staff or Guest


Action Items

  • Motion made and approved to give a free year’s membership to any NEW active military or veteran membership request. This expands on our earlier, previously approved, motion to extend a free year’s membership to disabled vets. Prospective members need to provide either their current MOS or dates of service to National Office Manager Marie to get the discount. She’ll handle the coding in the database. Tennant to contact the Journal to get something included in the next issue to inform the membership. Motion made by David Lockhart and seconded by David Knights.
  • Motion made and approved to provide $100 to chapters who host a Make N Take event at their shows. To qualify for the money, chapters should provide info about the event and include photos showing their efforts for possible use on our website or in the Journal. Motion made by David Knights and seconded by Michael Oberholtzer.
  • Motion to give Chattanooga a three-week extension on their convention paperwork was approved unanimously. Motion made by TJ Misiolek and seconded by Dennis Tennant. Sec. note: Chattanooga submitted the required paperwork in the week following the Board meeting.
  • Motion made and approved with one abstention (Phil) to provide $250 to help Phil pay for a trip to the Shizouka Model show in Japan if he is able to self-fund the remainder of the out of pocket costs. He was invited to attend and plans to go. His trip will result in some meetings with manufacturers and gain more kits for our Review Corps from Japanese model companies. Motion made by Michael Oberholtzer and seconded by David Knights.
  • Motion to change Journal ad rates recommended by Ro Annis and approved on Mike O’s endorsement. This will change our ad rate card and bring it in line with other publications. We will eliminate black and white ads in the Journal and reward advertisers for advertising with us for a full year. Motion made by Mike Oberholtzer and seconded by David Knights. Unanimous vote.
  • Motion made to reimburse all valid expenses for the year 2019 made by Jon Emery for our Models for Troops program after the Board was informed that he was paying out of his own pocket.  Motion made by John Noack and seconded by David Knights. Unanimous vote.
  • Motion made to participate in Finescale Modeler’s “eblast” as a way to attract new members and, in general, get our name out there to folks unfamiliar with IPMS/USA. The cost is $250 and the majority of Board members felt this was a good value and great opportunity for us. R&R Secretary Knights will work on the wording, etc. to make this happen.

Officer/Staff Reports

John Noack, President

  • Elections. Changes to the IPMS/USA Constitution caused some confusion with the candidate nomination process for our upcoming election in the Fall of 2019. The nomination document contained several errors including the deadline for filing. Secretary Tennant has updated the form and the updated version is now on the website. President Bell will coordinate with John Heck to make sure there is room for candidate bios as well as voting info in the election issue of the Journal later this year.
  • I am working on a "Basically Speaking" booklet for new members. It contains hints and tips compiled from an old column I used to write. I (and the rest of the Board) think it can be a good recruiting tool. Recruitment Secretary David Knights says he could make good use of it.

Phil Peterson, 1st VP

  • I’m seeking funds to help pay for a trip to the Shizuoka Model Show in Japan.  It’s a chance to talk to manufacturer representatives from Hasegawa, FineMolds, Bandai, Aoshima, etc. The in-country cost of the trip is covered by the group Team USA but I’d like some help with the airfare.

T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President

  • Am reworking some of the wording in the convention bid parameters dealing with requirement for producing an after convention report and the penalty for not doing so. We need this document, which provides detail about what we spent and where we spent it, for our year end taxes. Late filing of this by the host chapter puts the society under considerable tax risk. Hoping to have this done by the next meeting.

Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer

  • Here is our first look at all of 2019. Before we get too excited by the $89,000 in net income we earned, remember that we are waiting for the overdue Chattanooga convention report (now received per my note above). We will reimburse them about $36,000, resulting in an actual net income of about $36,000, or about $3,000 more than 2018.
  • Unfortunately we can’t report it that way since we do our accounting on a cash basis. So 2019 will appear overstated and 2020 will unfavorable since we will likely pay out two conventions in 2020. Until Chattanooga closes out I also can’t do our taxes since we have about $55,000 in convention revenue they haven’t classified yet.
  • If we look at our bottom line as if we had paid out $36,000 to Chattanooga, our revenues would have been $347,000 against expenses of $294,000, netting us $53,000. Revenues were up $51,000 over 2018 and expenses were up $48,000, for a net income increase of $3,000. Most of the increase in revenue and expense was due to the convention. Chattanooga made more and spent more than previous conventions, and had a higher net income as well.

Dennis Tennant, Secretary

  • We have been contacted by IPMS/Italy about sponsoring an award at their upcoming June convention. I’m waiting to find out all that is involved with sponsoring such an award and will get back with the Board once I find out what’s involved.

David Lockhart, DLC

  • Rechartering:  we have 222 chapters chartered successfully

    • 148 chapters have completed their rechartering
    • 37 have sent in either their fact sheet or payment
    • 37 have not sent in anything


    Actively working with the Regional Coordinators to finish this process.

    • RC’s
      • All 14 doing well
      • Few issues with coordinating shows
    • Insurance
      • IPMS/USA insurance policy renewed on 1/15/20
      • Shows are getting COI’s in plenty of time

Jim Pearsal, Historian/Publication Dir.

  • My big agenda item is that Journal Ad Manager Ro Annis has gotten Volks/Zoukei Mura to produce an article for the Journal.  This is pretty good, since it gets the advertiser involved in the publication, and gives them some interest in the Society other than just paying for an ad. 

David Knights, Recruitment & Retention Secretary

  • Working on the Finescale Modeler email blast. No progress on new wording for the new tri-fold pamphlet yet. Hoping to work on it soon. Have contacted IPMS/Canada about sharing magazine articles along with possible cross-promotion of membership opportunities.

Marie Van Schoonhoven, National Office Manager

  • Charter Stickers have arrived for chapter renewals. We are good to go for the next three years. We are using the same vendor as last time and they provided a quick turn around.
  • We added 31 new members in November. We had 3911 active members as of the V31J6 (Nov/Dec) Journal mailing.

Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary