Action Items
- President John Noack suggested that the board pay $600 to sponsor noted Monogram designer Tom Daniels as a speaker at the San Marcos National Convention in 2020. After discussion, 2VP Misiolek made the motion (with Sec. Tennant seconding) that the National organization sponsor Daniels and defray some of his expenses. Motion passed on condition of Daniels attending and accepting our invitation to speak. The IPMS/USA will pay $600 towards expenses (if he accepts our offer) to have him speak in San Marcos in 2020.
- President John Noack and board members DLC Lockhart, Treas. Oberholtzer and Sec. Tennant recently judged the National Hobby Town National Model Contest. They put their years of model building experience to good use and judged the best three models from a selection of Hobby Town locations nationwide.
Officer/Staff Reports
John Noack, President
Phil Peterson, 1st VP
T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President
Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer
The IPMS/USA continues to have a great year financially. In addition to the very profitable Chattanooga convention, Journal revenue is up due to the efforts of new Ad Manager Ro Annis in collecting past due amounts. His work has been very successful, and revenues are up $3,000 over last year. Membership revenue is about even with 2018. Expenses are $15,000 higher than last year at this time, led by convention expenses. Other expenses are down slightly year to date. Overall we are about $33,000 ahead of last year in net profits at the end of November. That will reduce somewhat as we pay Chattanooga for their share of convention revenues in December once their final report has been delivered.
Dennis Tennant, Secretary
- Nothing much to report other than the successful addition of three disabled vets to our roster. The procedure for doing this is apparently working out well and word is getting out about our program to give disabled veterans a free, first-time member, membership. Hobby shops are being submitted for inclusion in our online database. Buck Dean was the most recent to add his hobby shop, Hurricane Hobbies in Jacksonville, FL.
David Lockhart, DLC
Jim Pearsal, Historian/Publication Dir.
David Knights, Recruitment & Retention Secretary
In an effort to ramp up our recruitment efforts, Dave asked for funds to print more promotional materials to reflect our new National address and, in general, update the information provided in them. He will get an estimate on the pricing for new tri-fold pamphlets and report back to the board for approval. The board also discussed several strategies for improving membership but no solid plans were made at this time.
Marie Van Schoonhoven, National Office Manager
- We added 64 new members in September and 36 new members in October.
- A total of 4020 issues of the Journal were mailed for the Sept./Oct. edition and 3910 mailed for Nov./Dec.
There will be no board meeting in December. The board will meet next for a January conference call — Sec. Tennant
Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary