International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Ron Bell (President)
  • John Noack (1st VP)
  • T.J Misiolek (2nd VP)
  • Dennis Tennant (Secretary)
  • Mike Oberholtzer (Treasurer)
  • David Lockhart (DLC)
  • Jim Pearsall (Historian/Publication Director)
  • David Knights (Recruitment and Retention Secretary)
  • Marie Van Schoonhoven (Office Manager) *

* = Non-voting staff or Guest


Action Items

  • None

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • Elections. Changes to the IPMS/USA Constitution caused some confusion with the candidate nomination process for our upcoming election in the Fall of 2019. The nomination document contained several errors including the deadline for filing. Secretary Tennant has updated the form and the updated version is now on the website. President Bell will coordinate with John Heck to make sure there is room for candidate bios as well as voting info in the election issue of the Journal later this year.
  • I am working on a "Basically Speaking" booklet for new members. It contains hints and tips compiled from an old column I used to write. I (and the rest of the Board) think it can be a good recruiting tool. Recruitment Secretary David Knights says he could make good use of it.

John Noack, 1st VP

  • He has revisited our manufacturer list and will prod those who haven't made any contributions to our reviewer corps lately to provide some review samples.

T.J. Misiolek, 2nd Vice President

  • On 2VP Misiolek's recommendation, the Board has approved the 2018 Phoenix Convention report/finances. Their check has been mailed out. The Phoenix Convention is officially closed.

Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer

  • Here is a preliminary report for the full year of 2018. First of all, we had a great year. We finished with net revenues just shy of $50,000, compared to a loss of $3,800 last year. National expenses were down $16,000 from 2017, mostly due to lower overall convention expenses ($11,000) and national-level bank and credit card fees ($3,000). Revenues were up $38,000 due to higher memberships ($12,000) and convention revenues ($38,000) offset by lower Journal revenues (-$12,000).

    The convention revenue changes are due to the relatively later income for the 2018 convention and earlier income for the 2017 and 2019 conventions. So convention revenues in 2018 were higher than 2017 mostly based on timing. The same timing issue applies to expenses but the impact is less dramatic. This is something to keep an eye on for future conventions. The 2018 numbers include the payout to Phoenix in the convention expenses.
  • Statement of Financial Position - 81 KB PDF
  • Comparative Statement of Activity - 82 KB PDF

Dennis Tennant, Secretary

  • Nothing much to report. It's been very quiet over the holidays. As SIG coordinator, I helped a member get the ball rolling for a new SIG centered around WWI airplanes. He'll be setting up an Internet presence and getting his POC info lined up to our requirements. So far, it's looking promising. I also added a couple new hobby stores to our map/database. As point person with foreign modeling clubs, we received a lot of holiday e-cards from various overseas IPMS organizations such as the Czech Republic, IPMS Argentina, IPMS Greece and IPMS Malta.

David Lockhart, DLC

  • To date, of 226 chapters, 149 have paid their annual recharter fees. Three chapters have been deactivated. Everything is running smoothly with the chapters. Talked with Webmaster Eric Aitala about the possibility of adding chapter newsletters to the website in the future.

Jim Pearsal, Historian/Publication Dir.

  • I have Bill Whipple (Advertising Manager) tracking down overdue payments for Journal ads.

David Knights, Recruitment & Retention Secretary

  • My 2019 goal is for us to sustain a membership over 4,000. Thanks to chapter contacts and Marie, we have already hit that goal. I'm hoping to get to 4300 or better this year.

Marie Van Schoonhoven, National Office Manager

  • Dave Lockhart has agreed to be our Georgia point of contact for our incorporation documents.
  • We mailed 4039 Nov./Dec. Journals.
  • I'd like to remind members who plan to move to change their addresses as soon as they can to avoid costly returns and lost issues.

Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary