International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA

International Plastic Modelers' Society / USA



Officers Present
  • Ron Bell (President)
  • David Morrissette (1st VP)
  • Mike Van Schoonhoven (2nd VP)
  • Dennis Tennant (Secretary)
  • Mike Oberholtzer (Treasurer)
  • John Noack (DLC)
  • Jim Pearsall (Historian/Publication Director)
  • Marie Van Schoonhoven (Office Manager) *
  • Eric Aitala (Webmaster) *

* = Non-voting staff or Guest


Action Items

  • The E-board unanimously approved the following motions:
    • Beginning with the 2020 convention, the final convention report must be filed with the 2nd VP fifteen (15) days before the end of the calendar year in which the convention was held. Failure to do so will result in the convention host chapter(s) losing their share of any convention profits. (as motioned by Treas. Oberholtzer and seconded by Sec. Tennant)
    • In recognition of his years of effort as a member of the Reviewer Corps, John Kaylor shall receive a two-year extension to his membership. (as motioned by 1VP Morrissette and seconded by Pubs./Hist. Pearsall)

Officer/Staff Reports

Ron Bell, President

  • The big news is the election is over and we now have a new C&BL. It will go into effect Nov. 1 when the E-Board begins its new term. Results are on the website and will be included in the next Journal.
  • We will be looking for candidates for 2nd VP and the new Recruitment and Retention Secretary position called for by the revised C&BL. They will be appointed by the new E-board.
  • Work continues on distributing the 25 year pins. I've mailed pins to chapters who have more than three members who qualify in an effort to save on postage.
    Several of the Regional Coordinators are helping with the distribution of the pins in their respective regions. I'm going to look into finding the least expensive way to send the remaining individual pins as there are quite a few.

David Morrissette, 1st VP

  • I had a transition meeting with John Noack, Dick Montgomery (who is also retiring) and Phil Peterson. Plans were worked out and a letter drafted so we can send to manufacturers in mid-October.
  • A transition letter is being prepared for distribution to all the manufacturers informing them of our new 1st VP, John Noack.
  • Doug Cole has stepped up and is now posting reviews.
  • The number of late reviews are low and that is great!

Mike Van Schoonhoven, 2nd Vice President

  • I have been communicating with Phoenix about the CRS program and how it should function for them. I have yet to hear of any issues from Omaha, so I’m going to press forward.

Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer

  • August financial results were a bit of a surprise. 2017 Convention expenses came in higher than expected, resulting in overall monthly net income of -$57,595. There are a few expenses yet to pay, but after counting those the net revenue for the 2017 Convention looks like it will be about $33,000 split between IPMS/USA and Omaha.  That’s about $7,000 less than the budgeted profit. While income was $37,000 higher than projected, expenses are over $44,000 higher than budgeted. There may be some lessons to be learned for future conventions.
  • All of this means that we will again see a net loss for the year rather than a small profit. Assuming non-convention revenues and expenses continue at about the same pace for the rest of the year, net income this year will be around -$25,000 to -$30,000 after paying Omaha their share of the profits. In part this will be due to paying out two years of convention proceeds to host chapters in 2017, both Columbia ($18,767) and Omaha ($16,500?). Assuming we can close out upcoming conventions in the year they occur, that won’t be a problem in the future.

Dennis Tennant, Secretary

  • Nothing to report.

John Noack, DLC

  • Two new Chapter chartering requests have been received in recent weeks.
  • Kicking off the transition process for the incoming DLC, Dave Lockhart (and my transition to 1VP).
  • Rechartering notifications will go out in early October.
  • All "Of the Year" awards have been mailed and acknowledged as received with the exception of Chapter of the Year winner.

Jim Pearsal, Historian/Publication Dir.

  • The Journal is in good hands, it goes out in a timely manner and the members are mostly happy.

Marie Van Schoonhoven, National Office Manager

  • All election voting has been received and tallied.
  • We gained 31 new members in August.  Journal request from printer for V29J5 September/October has not yet been received, but should be here any day now they were late publishing this issue due to the inclusion of the election results.

Eric Aitala, Webmaster

  • Still looking at doing various updates to the sites but really busy with my new position at Penn State.
  • Looking for assistance with the websites.  Could still use a Forum Admin and new moderators.  Have reached out to see if I can find volunteers from outside IPMS who would assist in exchange for mentoring and experience in web coding.
  • Could also use someone to take over the online store - it mostly runs itself but there are some admin tasks that need doing once in a while.

Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary