Action Items
- Welcome to new board member, DLC Dave Lockhart!
- Noting John Noack’s transition from DLC to 1st VP.
- Filling 2nd VP and recruitment/retention board positions. So far, Ron has received candidates for both positions. The board will look over their qualifications and move on that in our December meeting.
- DLC Dave Lockhart has volunteered to take over Fred Horky’s role as newsletter distributor as of the first of next year. Ron asked that he try and make any distribution system as automated as possible.
Officer/Staff Reports
Ron Bell, President
- The Journal with the info on applying for the new Recruitment/Retention Secretary and the 2nd VP job is now out. While we have some candidates, I think we should wait until December to see if we get any applicants and decide on the appointments.
- I have asked Mike Van Schoonhoven to continue to serve as 2nd VP until we appoint a new 2VP so that position has someone in it and we can move ahead with the CRS updates when he gets the computers back from Omaha.
John Noack, 1st VP
- Transition of DLC duties to Dave Lockhart is complete, at this point he has the con.
- Transition of 1VP duties complete, Phil and I are connecting regularly and reaching out to Dave Morrissette and Dick Montgomery on an as-needed basis.
Mike Van Schoonhoven, Acting 2nd Vice President
Mike Oberholtzer, Treasurer
- We are preparing to close out the 2017 Convention before the end of November. This will be the earliest closeout in three years. Our goal is to close out all future conventions in the year they occur, which will help eliminate large fluctuations in expenses from year to year. A full financial report will be published after year end results are available.
Dennis Tennant, Secretary
- I’m pleased to report activity on the Local Hobby Shop list/map on our website. Several new hobby stores have been added to the mix, bringing the grand total to 44 shops. We need to continue to get the word out and encourage chapters to participate by adding their favorite stores to the list. I think members will appreciate the effort put into it. I know it was personally helpful to me during a recent trip to “fly-over” country.
David Lockhart, DLC
- Chapter Renewals
- 223 chapters
- Completed Fact Sheets - 37
- Renewal Fee Paid = 39
- Both fact sheet and renewal fee paid = 23
- Calendar Events
- 10 events published
- 1 event waiting updated fact sheet
- 9 insurance certificates requested
Jim Pearsal, Historian/Publication Dir.
- My “hottest” button right now is insuring we get a replacement for Fred Horky as newsletter distributor. Dave Lockhart has volunteered, and I think we need to give Dave a vote of support. He is willing to take over after the first of next year.
- Our ad manager, Doug Reed, wants to quit due to personal reasons. I (Jim Pearsall) will the care of things in the interim. I also want to put an ad in the Journal and beat the bushes to find a replacement.
Marie Van Schoonhoven, National Office Manager
Submitted by Dennis Tennant, Secretary